ESports athletes Robert Dahlström

Robert Dahlström

Living place: Norway

Birthday: 27-2-1994 (30 years old)

Population of the world 1994: 5.602 billions

Global rank: #97650

Email: updating

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ESports athletes Robert Dahlström profile

Who is ESports athletes Robert Dahlström?
Professional gamer and trainer who is widely known by his gamertag RobbaN. He emerged as a prolific 1.6 Counter-Strike player before retiring in 2012.
As a player, he has won numerous No. 1 finishes in Counter-Strike tournaments, including at the European Arbalet in 2009. In February 2016, he signed a contract to coach faze Clan Counter-Strike:. Global Team Tan

Young / Before famous

He began his Counter-Strike 1.6 competitive gaming career in May 2003. His first team was easygoing.

Family life info

He was born and raised in Norway.

Close relationship

Boy (girl) friend/ wife (husband)/ darling ESports athletes Robert Dahlström là ai?
He played alongside Christopher Alesund as a regular teammate in his competitive Counter-Strike 1.6 career.

Body measurements of

How tall is ESports athletes Robert Dahlström? What Robert Dahlström's weight?
Height: updating
Weight: updating
Measurements: updating

Summary of Robert Dahlström profile

When was ESports athletes Robert Dahlström born?
Robert Dahlström birthday 27-2-1994 (at the age of 30).
Where is ESports athletes Robert Dahlström's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Robert Dahlström was born in . Là ESports athletes, whose Zodiac is Pisces, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Dog. Robert Dahlström's global rank is 97650 and whose rank is 130 in list of famous ESports athletes. Population of the world in 1994 is about 5.602 billions persons.
Celebrities born in:

Events in 1994 and 27-2

Events in the world in the birth year of Robert Dahlström

  • Serbs' heavy weapons pound Sarajevo (Jan. 5-6).
  • Thousands dead in Rwanda massacre (April 6).
  • South Africa holds first interracial national election (April 29); Nelson Mandela elected President.
  • Israel signs accord with Palestinians (May 4), peace treaty with Jordan (Oct. 17).
  • IRA declares cease-fire in Northern Ireland (Aug. 31). Ulster Protestants declare cease-fire (Oct. 13).
  • Aristide returns to Haiti (Oct. 4), forms Government with Prime Minister and full Cabinet (Nov. 9).
  • US sends forces to Persian Gulf (Oct. 7).
  • Russians attack secessionist Republic of Chechnya (Dec. 11 et seq.).

Birthday Robert Dahlström (27-2) in history

  • Day 27-2 year 1844: Dominican Republic gained independence from Haiti.
  • Day 27-2 year 1933: German Reichstag building in Berlin was destroyed by fire.
  • Day 27-2 year 1951: The 22nd Amendment to the Constitution was ratified, limiting the President to two terms.
  • Day 27-2 year 1973: Members of the American Indian Movement occupied the village of Wounded Knee, S.D.
  • Day 27-2 year 1991: Kuwait was liberated in the Gulf War.
  • Day 27-2 year 2003: Fred Rogers, of Mister Rogers' Neighborhood, died.
  • Day 27-2 year 2012: Ali Abdullah Saleh stepped down as president of Yemen after months of protests.
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Note about ESports athletes Robert Dahlström

Robert Dahlström infomation and profile updated by