Website Baodautu.Vn



Working place: Ha Noi

Founding day: 11-9-2006 (18 years old)

Population of Vietnam 2006: 83,31 millions

Global rank: #98911



Phone number: 0243 845 0537

Website Baodautu.Vn profile

Who is Website Baodautu.Vn?
Baodautu. vn is an online newspaper belonging to the newspaper group of Investment Newspaper - a press agency of the Ministry of Planning and Investment. The site is licensed to operate under License No. 541/GP-BTTTT issued by the Ministry of Information and Communications on August 23, 2021.
Editor-in-Chief: Le Trong Minh
Deputy Editor-in-Chief: Bui Duc Hai
Editor's Secretary: Phung Huy Hao
Editor's Office Address: No. 47 Quan Thanh, Ba Dinh, Tp. Hanoi.
General Information
Investment Newspaper is the press agency of the Ministry of Planning and Investment. Invest, perform the function of information and propaganda on laws, policies and the performance of socio-economic development tasks, business and tourism activities. href="/listen-nghiep/doi-tuyen-bong-da-quoc-gia/viet-nam/bi96">Vietnam in accordance with the Press Law, the State's laws and the direction of the Minister.
Investment Newspaper is a non-business unit with its own operating funds, its own seal and account, operating autonomously in accordance with the law and decentralized management. Management of the Ministry of Planning and Investment.
Investment newspaper always strives to maintain its pioneering position in the field of economic, investment and financial information.... and will continue to fulfill the role and mission of promoting the image, investment and business environment to domestic and foreign investors and entrepreneurs, making an important contribution to promoting investment attraction. business, tourism to serve the cause of national development.
Baodautu e-newspaper. vn
Baodautu electronic newspaper. vn specializes in providing and quickly updating economic news, investment, real estate, fdi projects, finance, banking, securities, businesses - entrepreneurs,... The site is getting more and more popular. attract readers from all over the country. According to statistics on Similarweb, the total number of visitors on the site in November 2022 reached 1.7 million, an increase of 9.86% compared to the previous month. The target audience is very diverse, but the age group from 25-34 accounts for 4.082%, followed by the age group from 18-24 accounts for 33.36%.
Hi We hope that with clear directions, together with the serious and professional working spirit of the collective staff, reporters, editors, employees, Baodautu website. vn will continue to grow and attract more and more visitors!

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Summary of Baodautu.Vn profile

When was Website Baodautu.Vn born?
Baodautu.Vn founding day 11-9-2006 (at the age of 18).
Where is Website Baodautu.Vn's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Baodautu.Vn was born in Ha Noi, of Vietnam. Là Website, whose Zodiac is Virgo, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Dog. Baodautu.Vn's global rank is 98911 and whose rank is 185 in list of famous Website. Population of Vietnam in 2006 is about 83,31 millions persons.
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Baodautu.Vn ranking


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Events in 2006 and 11-9

Events in the world in the birth year of Baodautu.Vn

  • Israeli prime minister Ariel Sharon suffers a massive stroke; he is replaced by acting prime minister Ehud Olmert (Jan. 5).
  • Militant group Hamas wins 74 of 132 seats in Palestinian legislative elections (Jan. 25). Israeli leaders vote to withhold $50 million per month (Feb. 19).
  • A Danish newspaper challenges taboos against illustrations of Muhammad by printing several negative cartoons depicting him. Angry demonstrators throughout the Muslim world smash windows, set fires, and burn flags of Denmark and other nations whose newspapers reprint the cartoons (Feb. 4 onward).
  • In Iraq, a coalition of Shiites and Kurds dominates the new government. Secretarian violence wracks the country, killing tens of thousands, with fatality rates rising throughout the year; some observers describe the situation as a civil war between Sunnis and Shiites. Several internal reports characterize the U.S. military efforts as failing. See Iraq Timeline 2006.
  • After weeks of crippling student-led protests, French president Jacques Chirac repeals a new labor law that would have made it easier for employers to fire workers under the age of 26 (Apr. 10).
  • In defiance of the U.N. Security Council, Iran president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad announces that Iran has successfully enriched uranium (Apr. 11). The International Atomic Energy Agency reports to the Security Council that it has found traces of highly enriched uranium at Iran's Natanz facility (July 31). U.N. Security Council resolution bans the Iranian import and export of materials and technology used to enrich uranium (Dec. 23).
  • North Korea test fires missiles over the Sea of Japan (July 4) and explodes a nuclear device in the North Korean mountains (Oct. 9). The U.N. Security Council votes in favor of a resolution banning the sale of materials to North Korea that could be used to produce weapons (Oct. 14). North Korea agrees to resume disarmament talks with China, Russia, the U.S., and South Korea (Oct. 31).
  • India test-launches a missile with a range of 1,800 miles (July 9). More than 200 people die and hundreds more are wounded when a series of bombs explode on commuter trains in Mumbai, India during the evening rush hour (July 11).
  • Hezbollah, a Lebanese militant group, fires rockets into Israel. In response, Israel launches a major military attack, sending thousands of troops into Lebanon. (July 13–Aug. 15).
  • Saddam Hussein is convicted of crimes against humanity by an Iraqi court (Nov. 5), and hanged in Baghdad. A witness videotapes the hanging using a cell phone and captures the chaos that unfolds as Shiite guards taunt Hussein (Dec. 30).

Founding day Baodautu.Vn (11-9) in history

  • Day 11-9 year 1789: Alexander Hamilton was appointed America's first Secretary of the Treasury. And he is also the only minister to be printed on the US 20-dollar bill.
  • Day 11-9 year 1936: President Franklin Delano Roosevelt dedicated Boulder Dam (now Hoover Dam) in Nevada.
  • Day 11-9 year 1962: The Beatles recorded their first single, Love Me Do.
  • Day 11-9 year 1971: Former Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev died at age 77.
  • Day 11-9 year 1997: In Scotland, voters approved the establishment of a parliament to run their domestic affairs, after 290 years of union with England.
  • Day 11-9 year 2001: Two hijacked commercial jets were crashed by terrorists into the north and south towers of the World Trade Center in New York City, causing the collapse of both towers. A short while later, another plane was crashed into the Pentagon, and fourth into a field near Shanksville, Pa.
  • Day 11-9 year 2012: Armed gunmen stormed the American consulate in Benghazi and killed U.S. ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens and three other embassy officials.
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