Country singer Billy Walker

Billy Walker

Living place: Texas

Birthday: 14-1-1929 (95 years old)

Population of US 1929: 121,767,000

Global rank: #76256

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Country singer Billy Walker profile

Who is Country singer Billy Walker?
Known as The Texas Tall, Walker is an American singer who released the 1962 hit song "(I Want to Like To Be In) Charlie's Shoes."
He participated in the Louisiana Hayride radio show in 1952 and was responsible for Elvis' appearance on the show.

Young / Before famous

He was inspired by Gene Autry when he was young and started singing as a teenager in 1949 with the Big D Jamboree in Dallas. He later signed with Capitol Records.

Family life info

He and his wife Bettie died together in a car accident in 2006.

Close relationship

Boy (girl) friend/ wife (husband)/ darling Country singer Billy Walker là ai?
He was on the Louisiana Hayride with Slim Whitman.

Body measurements of

How tall is Country singer Billy Walker? What Billy Walker's weight?
Height: updating
Weight: updating
Measurements: updating

Summary of Billy Walker profile

When was Country singer Billy Walker born?
Billy Walker birthday 14-1-1929 (at the age of 95).
Where is Country singer Billy Walker's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Billy Walker was born in Texas, . Là Country singer, whose Zodiac is Capricorn, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Dragon. Billy Walker's global rank is 76256 and whose rank is 646 in list of famous Country singer. Population of US in 1929 is about 121,767,000 persons.
Celebrities born in:

Events in 1929 and 14-1

Events in US in the birth year of Billy Walker

  • St. Valentine's Day gangland massacre in Chicago (Feb. 14).
  • Stock market prices plummet (Nov.-Dec.). U.S. securities lose $26 billion, marking the first financial disaster of the Great Depression

Birthday Billy Walker (14-1) in history

  • Day 14-1 year 1639: The first Constitution of the state of Connecticut, USA, was adopted.
  • Day 14-1 year 1784: The United States ratified treaty with England ending the Revolutionary War.
  • Day 14-1 year 1943: President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchill meet at the Casablanca Conference.
  • Day 14-1 year 1953: Tito formally became the first president of the Republic of Yugoslavia.
  • Day 14-1 year 1954: Marilyn Monroe married baseball legend Joe DiMaggio.
  • Day 14-1 year 1963: George Wallace sworn in as Alabama's governor, promising "segregation forever."
  • Day 14-1 year 1973: The Miami Dolphins became the first NFL team to go undefeated and have a perfect season by beating the Washington Redskins in Super Bowl VII.
  • Day 14-1 year 1990: The Simpsons premiered on television.
  • Day 14-1 year 2008: Bobby Jindal takes office as governor of Louisiana as the first elected Indian-American governor of the U.S.
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Note about Country singer Billy Walker

Billy Walker infomation and profile updated by