Cricket player John Hampshire

John Hampshire

Living place: England

Birthday: 10-2-1941 (83 years old)

Global rank: #99729

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Cricket player John Hampshire profile

Who is Cricket player John Hampshire?
Batsman was right-handed for Yorkshire from 1961 to 1981, he won the 1978-1979 Gillette Cup with Tasmania as captain.
He was added to the ICC referee panel in 1999 and was a highly respected referee until his retirement in 2005.

Young / Before famous

He was born in Thurnscoe and made his debut for Yorkshire in 1961.

Family life info

His father was a local bobby in East Herringthorpe.

Close relationship

Boy (girl) friend/ wife (husband)/ darling Cricket player John Hampshire là ai?
He and Michael Vaughan both played county cricket in Yorkshire.

Body measurements of

How tall is Cricket player John Hampshire? What John Hampshire's weight?
Height: updating
Weight: updating
Measurements: updating

Summary of John Hampshire profile

When was Cricket player John Hampshire born?
John Hampshire birthday 10-2-1941 (at the age of 83).
Where is Cricket player John Hampshire's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
John Hampshire was born in England. Là Cricket player, whose Zodiac is Aquarius, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Snake. John Hampshire's global rank is 99729 and whose rank is 559 in list of famous Cricket player.
Celebrities born in:

Events in 1941 and 10-2

Events in the world in the birth year of John Hampshire

  • Germany attacks the Balkans and Russia.
  • Japanese surprise attack on U.S. fleet at Pearl Harbor brings U.S. into World War II; U.S. and Britain declare war on Japan.
  • The first U.S. Lend-Lease shipment of food sent to Britain.

Birthday John Hampshire (10-2) in history

  • Day 10-2 year 1763: The Treaty of Paris was signed, ending the French and Indian War. France ceded Canada and all North American territories east of Mississippi to Great Britain.
  • Day 10-2 year 1837: Russian poet Alexander Pushkin was killed in a duel.
  • Day 10-2 year 1840: Queen Victoria married Prince Albert.
  • Day 10-2 year 1942: Glenn Miller received the first ever gold record for selling a million copies of "Chattanooga Choo Choo."
  • Day 10-2 year 1962: The Soviet Union exchanged captured American U-2 pilot Francis Gary Powers for Rudolph Abel, a Soviet spy held by the United States.
  • Day 10-2 year 1967: The 25th Amendment was ratified, establishing presidential succession.
  • Day 10-2 year 1996: IBM's computer, Deep Blue, beat the world chess champion, Garry Kasparov, in the first game of their match.
  • Day 10-2 year 2005: Pulitzer Prize winning playwright Arthur Miller died.
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Other famous Cricket player

Famous people born in 10-2-1941

Note about Cricket player John Hampshire

John Hampshire infomation and profile updated by