Doctor Nguyen Thanh Tung


Nguyen Thanh Tung

Living place: Ha Noi

Birthday: ?-?-1987 (37 years old)

Population of Vietnam 1987: 61,75 millions

Global rank: #4015



Phone number: 0911 645 555

Doctor Nguyen Thanh Tung profile

Who is Doctor Nguyen Thanh Tung?
Doctor Tung (full name Nguyen Thanh Tung) is a leading expert, "golden hand" in treating Kidney stone treatment in Hanoi. The doctor is currently working at the Department of Surgery at the Post Office Hospital. For more than 13 years with the Nephrology - Urology industry, Dr. Tung has treated many difficult cases such as: large coral kidney stones, stones causing dangerous pus stasis, kidney failure... Good at his profession, Rich in experience, Dr. Tung is loved and trusted by many colleagues in many places, introducing many difficult cases and remote consultations. Dr. Tung's secret to working from the heart is "Enthusiasm, trust, sharing and sympathy".
Dr. Tung always treats patients like family members and is dedicated when examining and treating. For doctors, medical ethics is not far away but understanding the pain of patients, understanding the hardships of family members and sharing with them the most effective regimen. Doctors always try to help patients quickly return to daily life. The doctor has successfully performed more than 1,000 percutaneous stone lithotripsy cases, trusted and sought by patients across the country for treatment.
Coming from a family with a tradition of many people working in the medical field, since childhood, Dr. Tung has dreamed of becoming a good doctor. Graduating from Hanoi Medical University, the doctor continued the training program with a Master's degree in Urology at the Military Medical Academy and a specialist II in Urology at Hanoi Medical University. Doctors themselves are always aware of the importance of cultivating knowledge in medicine. Studying helps doctors help many patients escape the pain caused by kidney stones. The doctor believes: "The greatest achievement of every doctor is to cure many people's diseases and see the smiles of patients when they leave the hospital."
As a young doctor full of enthusiasm , not only treating patients, Dr. Tung also participates in scientific seminars to learn and comprehend the quintessence of world progressive medicine.
Not only good expertise and solid experience; The kidney stone expert is also dedicated to sharing useful knowledge about kidney stones and answering questions about health-related issues. Dr. Tung's social networking sites are like an ebook about kidney stones. Currently, Dr. Tung's Fanpage has more than 150,000 followers, TikTok channel @bstungtansoi has nearly 200,000 followers.

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Body measurements of

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Summary of Nguyen Thanh Tung profile

When was Doctor Nguyen Thanh Tung born?
Nguyen Thanh Tung birthday ?-?-1987 (at the age of 37).
Where is Doctor Nguyen Thanh Tung's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Nguyen Thanh Tung was born in Ha Noi, of Vietnam. Mr, whose Zodiac is (don't know), and who Chinese Zodiac is The Cat. Nguyen Thanh Tung's global rank is 4015 and whose rank is 28 in list of famous Doctor. Population of Vietnam in 1987 is about 61,75 millions persons.
Celebrities born in:

Photos/ Images

Doctor Nguyen Thanh Tung works at Post Office Hospital

Doctor Nguyen Thanh Tung - golden hands in treating kidney stones

Doctor Nguyen Thanh Tung helps thousands of people get rid of the pain caused by kidney stones

Nguyen Thanh Tung ranking


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Events in 1987 and 31-2

Events in the world in the birth year of Nguyen Thanh Tung

  • William Buckley, American hostage in Lebanon, reported slain (Jan. 20).
  • Iraqi missiles kill 37 in attack on US frigate Stark in Persian Gulf (May 17); Iraqi president Hussein apologizes (May 18).
  • Prime Minister Thatcher wins rare third term in Britain (June 11).
  • Klaus Barbie, 73, Gestapo wartime chief in Lyon, sentenced to life by French court for war crimes (July 4).
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