Reality star Ollie Locke

Ollie Locke

Living place: England

Birthday: 20-3-1987 (37 years old)

Population of the world 1987: 5.018 billions

Global rank: #13180

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Reality star Ollie Locke profile

Who is Reality star Ollie Locke?
Best known for his work on the British reality series Made in Chelsea, he also appeared on the game show Fake Reaction and 8 Out of 10 Cats and on season thirteen of the reality show Celebrity Big Brother.
While on Made in Chelsea, he was in love with fellow reality star Chloe Green, Ashley James, and Gabriella Ellis. While on the show, he announced that he was bisexual and later wrote a book titled Laid at Chelsea.

Young / Before famous

He rose to fame as a television personality around 2011.

Family life info

Born in Southampton, England, he and his sister, Amelia, are the children of radio DJ Sarah Locke.

Close relationship

Boy (girl) friend/ wife (husband)/ darling Reality star Ollie Locke là ai?
He eventually lost Big Brother to rapper Costadinos "Dappy" Contostavlos and comedian and TV presenter. a>.

Body measurements of

How tall is Reality star Ollie Locke? What Ollie Locke's weight?
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Summary of Ollie Locke profile

When was Reality star Ollie Locke born?
Ollie Locke birthday 20-3-1987 (at the age of 37).
Where is Reality star Ollie Locke's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Ollie Locke was born in England. Là Reality star, whose Zodiac is Pisces, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Cat. Ollie Locke's global rank is 13180 and whose rank is 322 in list of famous Reality star. Population of the world in 1987 is about 5.018 billions persons.
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Photos/ Images

Reality Star Ollie Locke Portrait

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Events in 1987 and 20-3

Events in the world in the birth year of Ollie Locke

  • William Buckley, American hostage in Lebanon, reported slain (Jan. 20).
  • Iraqi missiles kill 37 in attack on US frigate Stark in Persian Gulf (May 17); Iraqi president Hussein apologizes (May 18).
  • Prime Minister Thatcher wins rare third term in Britain (June 11).
  • Klaus Barbie, 73, Gestapo wartime chief in Lyon, sentenced to life by French court for war crimes (July 4).

Birthday Ollie Locke (20-3) in history

  • Day 20-3 year 1602:
    Dutch East India Company was born. During its 196-year history, it has become one of the most influential companies in the world.
  • Day 20-3 year 1727: The great British scientist Sir Isaac Newton passed away in London at 84.
  • Day 20-3 year 1852: Harriet Beecher Stowe's "Uncle Tom's Cabin" was published.
  • Day 20-3 year 1969: John Lennon married Yoko Ono in Gibraltar.
  • Day 20-3 year 1985: Libby Riddles became the first woman to win the Iditarod.
  • Day 20-3 year 1990: Namibia becomes an independent nation.
  • Day 20-3 year 1995: Two members of the Japanese cult Aum Sinrikyo released poisonous gas in a Tokyo subway stop during rush hour, killing 12 people and sending over 5,000 to the hospital for treatment.
  • Day 20-3 year 1999: Bertrand Piccard and Brian Jones became the first to fly a hot-air balloon nonstop around the world.
  • Day 20-3 year 2003: Ground troops entered Iraq and a second round of air strikes against Baghdad was launched.
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Note about Reality star Ollie Locke

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