War hero Harry Hays

War hero

Harry Hays

Living place: Tennessee

Birthday: 14-4-1820

Global rank: #92630

Email: updating

Phone number: updating

War hero Harry Hays profile

Who is War hero Harry Hays?
Best remembered for the leading "Louisiana Tigers" infantry brigade during the American Civil War 1863 Battle of Gettysburg, the general of Confederate troops had each served in the Mexican-American War.
He was seriously wounded in the 1864 Battle of Spotsylvania Court House and shortly then finished his military career. After the Civil War, he served a short time as the sheriff of New Orleans, Louisiana.

Young / Before famous

Before beginning his military career, he studied law at St. Mary Maryland and later opened a New Orleans legal practice.

Family life info

He spent his early years in Tennessee and Mississippi and later lived in Maryland and Louisiana.

Close relationship

Boy (girl) friend/ wife (husband)/ darling War hero Harry Hays là ai?
Tennessee Hays' family camp, The Hermitage, eventually became the home of US President Andrew Jackson (whose wife was a relative of the Hays family)

Body measurements of

How tall is War hero Harry Hays? What Harry Hays's weight?
Height: updating
Weight: updating
Measurements: updating

Summary of Harry Hays profile

When was War hero Harry Hays born?
Harry Hays was born in 14-4-1820, death year is , at the age of 204.
Where is War hero Harry Hays's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Harry Hays was born in Tennessee, . Là War hero, whose Zodiac is Aries, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Dragon. Harry Hays's global rank is 92630 and whose rank is 397 in list of famous War hero.
Celebrities born in:

Events in 1820 and 14-4

Birthday Harry Hays (14-4) in history

  • Day 14-4 year 1775: Former US treasury governor Benjamin Rush was one of the founders of America's first anti-slavery society.
  • Day 14-4 year 1828: Noah Webster copyrighted the first edition of his dictionary.
  • Day 14-4 year 1860: The first pony express rider reached his destination of San Francisco. He left St. Joseph, Mo., on April 3.
  • Day 14-4 year 1865: Abraham Lincoln was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth.
  • Day 14-4 year 1894: The first kinetoscope parlor opened in New York City.
  • Day 14-4 year 1912: Titanic hit the iceberg that would sink her the next morning.
  • Day 14-4 year 1969: In a record breaking night at the Academy Awards, a tie between Katherine Hepburn and Barbra Streisand resulted in the two sharing the the Best Actress Oscar and Hepburn broke the record as the only actress to win three Best Actress Oscars.
  • Day 14-4 year 2002: Hugo Chávez returned as president of Venezuela after being forced out of office two days previously.
  • Day 14-4 year 2003: Abu Abbas, the leader of the terrorist group Palestine Liberation Front when the group hijacked the liner Achille Lauro, was captured by U.S. forces in Iraq.
  • Day 14-4 year 2010: An explosion in the Eyjafjallajokull volcano in Iceland results in a volcanic ash plume in the atmosphere over northern and central Europe. Air travel in the region is halted for several days.
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Note about War hero Harry Hays

Harry Hays infomation and profile updated by nguoinoitieng.tv.