Bassist Phil Upchurch


Phil Upchurch

Living place: Illinois

Birthday: 19-7-1941 (83 years old)

Population of US 1941: 133,402,471

Global rank: #99954

Email: updating

Phone number: updating

Bassist Phil Upchurch profile

Who is Bassist Phil Upchurch?
R & amp; B and jazz bassist whose song "You Can't Sit Down" sold over a million copies and received a gold disc
He led his quartet in 1970, which featured Quincy Jones, among others ***.. ** ttttode The show's second season of American Idol finalist released his multi-platinum debut album, Measure of a Man, in 2003. His second album, Merry Christmas with Love, became a best-selling album. holiday since 1991 and received Platinum certification in January 2005.

Young / Before famous

He started playing professionally with groups like The Spaniels before working with artists like Curtis Mayfield.

Family life info

Sonya Maddox is his seventh wife and Sean Rickman is his son.

Close relationship

Boy (girl) friend/ wife (husband)/ darling Bassist Phil Upchurch là ai?
He collaborated with a diverse group of artists in the 1980s, including Michael Jackson.

Body measurements of

How tall is Bassist Phil Upchurch? What Phil Upchurch's weight?
Height: updating
Weight: updating
Measurements: updating

Summary of Phil Upchurch profile

When was Bassist Phil Upchurch born?
Phil Upchurch birthday 19-7-1941 (at the age of 83).
Where is Bassist Phil Upchurch's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Phil Upchurch was born in Illinois, . Là Bassist, whose Zodiac is Cancer, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Snake. Phil Upchurch's global rank is 99954 and whose rank is 468 in list of famous Bassist. Population of US in 1941 is about 133,402,471 persons.
Special event in 19-7-1941: Winston Churchill was the first to use the two-finger "V is for Victory" sign.
Celebrities born in:

Other famous Bassist

Famous people born in 19-7-1941

Note about Bassist Phil Upchurch

Phil Upchurch infomation and profile updated by