Businessmen Nguyen Tuan Khoi

Nguyen Tuan Khoi

Living place: Ho Chi Minh

Birthday: 21-12-1983 (41 years old)

Population of Vietnam 1983: 56,66 millions

Global rank: #61015


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Businessmen Nguyen Tuan Khoi profile

Who is Businessmen Nguyen Tuan Khoi?
Nguyen Tuan Khoi - Chairman of VTVCorp, founder of many models and projects for the community such as: Red Journey, Hospital at home, 0 VND rice shop, field rice shop... The loving "billionaire" This is a social activist with many years of experience.
In 2008, he founded a social activities club with nationwide programs.
In 2009, he and his colleagues implemented heart surgery activities in Quang Nam is titled "For the heartbeat of Quang land". But his project struggled to be implemented because it lacked legal status. At that time, Professor-Dr. Pham Duc Duong advised him to create a social enterprise model. That was the opportunity for businessman Nguyen Tuan Khoi to establish Nhan Ai Vong Tay Viet Joint Stock Company with a capital of more than 1 billion VND. In 2017, his company officially shortened its name to VTVCorp Joint Stock Company. (VTV stands for Vietnamese Arms, not a Television Station as many people think).
In early 2011, when he came to the National Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion to organize volunteer activities, Mr. Khoi witnessed many patients suffering from anemia. From there, he came up with the bold idea of ​​organizing a journey across Vietnam to search for precious drops of blood to help patients. His idea was approved by Professor. Dr. Nguyen Anh Tri, director of the Central Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion, supported.
In 2012, "Red Journey" organized voluntary blood donation for the first time in 15 provinces and cities. Over more than 10 years, "Red Journey" has made many great contributions, connecting Vietnamese blood, receiving nearly 600,000 units of blood. This is the largest annual voluntary blood donation activity in the country.
During the Covid-19 epidemic outbreak in Ho Chi Minh City, Mr. Tuan Khoi participated in building the Food Bank (FoodBank) and Home Hospital projects to support F0 with food and services. medical. In addition, he also built the first food warehouse for the poor in Vietnam. The 500m2 storage warehouse receives food from units and then delivers it to support homeless businesses and people in difficult circumstances.
Businessman Nguyen Tuan Khoi is the person who launched dozens of campaigns to rescue agricultural products. He is called by many people the nickname "Mr. Buddha of farmers" because he helps prevent agricultural products from being congested and helps farmers avoid being pressured by traders.

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Summary of Nguyen Tuan Khoi profile

When was Businessmen Nguyen Tuan Khoi born?
Nguyen Tuan Khoi birthday 21-12-1983 (at the age of 41).
Where is Businessmen Nguyen Tuan Khoi's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Nguyen Tuan Khoi was born in Vinh Long, of Vietnam. Mr working and living in Ho Chi Minh, of Vietnam. Mr, whose Zodiac is Sagittarius, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Pig. Nguyen Tuan Khoi's global rank is 61015 and whose rank is 803 in list of famous Businessmen. Population of Vietnam in 1983 is about 56,66 millions persons.
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Photos/ Images

Businessman Nguyen Tuan Khoi co-founded the Red Journey project

Businessman Nguyen Tuan Khoi has been volunteering for many years

Happy family of businessman Nguyen Tuan Khoi

Nguyen Tuan Khoi ranking


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Events in 1983 and 21-12

Events in the world in the birth year of Nguyen Tuan Khoi

  • Pope John Paul II signs new Roman Catholic code incorporating changes brought about by Second Vatican Council (Jan. 25).
  • Benigno S. Aquino, Jr., 50, political rival of Philippines President Ferdinand Marcos, is assassinated in Manila (Aug. 21).
  • South Korean Boeing 747 jetliner bound for Seoul apparently strays into Soviet airspace and is shot down by a Soviet SU-15 fighter after it had tracked the airliner for two hours; all 269 aboard are killed. (Aug. 30).
  • Terrorist explosion kills 237 US Marines in Beirut (Oct. 23).
  • US invades Grenada (Oct. 25).

Birthday Nguyen Tuan Khoi (21-12) in history

  • Day 21-12 year 1620: Pilgrims on the Mayflower sailboat landed in Plymouth, Massachusetts.
  • Day 21-12 year 1891: The first basketball game, invented at Springfield College in Massachusetts by James E. Naismith, was played.
  • Day 21-12 year 1898: Pierre and Marie Curie discovered radium.
  • Day 21-12 year 1913: The first crossword puzzle was printed in the New York World.
  • Day 21-12 year 1937: Disney's Snow White, the first feature length color and sound cartoon, premiered.
  • Day 21-12 year 1970: Elvis Presley met with president Richard Nixon in the White House.
  • Day 21-12 year 1988: A terrorist bomb exploded aboard a Pan Am Boeing 747 over Lockerbie, Scotland, killing 270 people.
  • Day 21-12 year 1991: Eleven of the former Soviet republics form the Commonwealth of Independent States.
  • Day 21-12 year 1995: Palestinians took over the control of the city of Bethlehem.
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