Country singer Lane Turner

Lane Turner

Living place: Texas

Birthday: 3-2-1967 (57 years old)

Population of US 1967: 198,712,056

Global rank: #91414

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Country singer Lane Turner profile

Who is Country singer Lane Turner?
!!!! American singer whose only "Always Want to Send (Breathless)" was released in 2004.
He performed a song he wrote called "I Built It" at the convention. The 2012 National Republican response to President Obama "you did not elaborate that" speech.

Young / Before famous

Makes a television movie titled The Crash.

Family life info

His parents supported his music by buying his first guitar. His father taught him how to play.

Close relationship

Boy (girl) friend/ wife (husband)/ darling Country singer Lane Turner là ai?
He co-wrote Blaine Larsen's song, "I ignorant She Said."

Body measurements of

How tall is Country singer Lane Turner? What Lane Turner's weight?
Height: updating
Weight: updating
Measurements: updating

Summary of Lane Turner profile

When was Country singer Lane Turner born?
Lane Turner birthday 3-2-1967 (at the age of 57).
Where is Country singer Lane Turner's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Lane Turner was born in Texas, . Là Country singer, whose Zodiac is Aquarius, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Horse. Lane Turner's global rank is 91414 and whose rank is 728 in list of famous Country singer. Population of US in 1967 is about 198,712,056 persons.
Celebrities born in:

Events in 1967 and 3-2

Events in US in the birth year of Lane Turner

  • Racial violence in Detroit; 7,000 National Guardsmen aid police after night of rioting. Similar outbreaks in New York City's Spanish Harlem, Rochester, N.Y., Birmingham, Ala., and New Britain, Conn. (July 23).
  • Thurgood Marshall sworn in as first black US Supreme Court justice (Oct. 2).
  • Astronauts Col. Virgil I. Grissom, Col. Edward White II, and Lt. Cmdr. Roger B. Chaffee killed in fire during test launch (Jan. 27).

Birthday Lane Turner (3-2) in history

  • Day 3-2 year 1468: The great German inventor Johannes Gutenberg who created the first printing machine, passed away in Mainz, Germany.
  • Day 3-2 year 1870: The 15th Amendment (black suffrage) passed.
  • Day 3-2 year 1913: The 16th Amendment, establishing federal income tax, was ratified.
  • Day 3-2 year 1917: The U.S. broke off diplomatic relations with Germany.
  • Day 3-2 year 1959: Rock singers, Buddy Holly, Richie Valens, and Big Bopper died in a plane crash.
  • Day 3-2 year 1995: Col. Eileen Collins became the first woman to pilot the space shuttle when the Discovery blasted off.
  • Day 3-2 year 1998: Texas executed Karla Faye Tucker, the first woman to be executed in the United States since 1984.
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Note about Country singer Lane Turner

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