Family member Revelynne Pflederer

Revelynne Pflederer

Living place: Illinois

Birthday: 1-1-2015 (9 years old)

Global rank: #33194

Email: updating

Phone number: updating

Family member Revelynne Pflederer profile

Who is Family member Revelynne Pflederer?
Born the first child of Ryan and Arianna Pflederer, the parents behind thepflederers popular YouTube channel
She has been featured in her parents' vlogs. "NEW YEAR, NEW LIFE |!. BIRTH Vlog"

Young / Before famous

Her mother began recording her progress from the womb eight weeks early.

Family life info

She was born in Illinois to Ryan and Arianna Pflederer. Her parents are expecting their second daughter in 2016.

Close relationship

Boy (girl) friend/ wife (husband)/ darling Family member Revelynne Pflederer là ai?
She is the child of two parents who vlog on YouTube like Oliver Lanning.

Body measurements of

How tall is Family member Revelynne Pflederer? What Revelynne Pflederer's weight?
Height: updating
Weight: updating
Measurements: updating

Summary of Revelynne Pflederer profile

When was Family member Revelynne Pflederer born?
Revelynne Pflederer birthday 1-1-2015 (at the age of 9).
Where is Family member Revelynne Pflederer's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Revelynne Pflederer was born in Illinois, . Là Family member, whose Zodiac is Capricorn, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Horse. Revelynne Pflederer's global rank is 33194 and whose rank is 562 in list of famous Family member.
Celebrities born in:

Events in 2015 and 1-1

Birthday Revelynne Pflederer (1-1) in history

  • Day 1-1 year 1863: Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation.
  • Day 1-1 year 1908: The ball signifying the New Year was dropped for the first time at Times Square in New York City.
  • Day 1-1 year 1914: The world's first airline, St. Petersburg Tampa Airboat Line, starts operation in St. Petersburg, Florida.
  • Day 1-1 year 1959: Fidel Castro and his revolutionaries took over Cuba and toppled Fulgencio Batista's regime.
  • Day 1-1 year 1975: John Mitchell, H. R. Haldeman, and John Ehrlichman were convicted of obstruction of justice in the Watergate affair.
  • Day 1-1 year 1993: Czechoslovakia peacefully split into the Czech Republic and Slovakia.
  • Day 1-1 year 1994: The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) went into effect.
  • Day 1-1 year 2002: Euro coins and notes went into circulation in twelve European nations.
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Note about Family member Revelynne Pflederer

Revelynne Pflederer infomation and profile updated by