Fashion designer Patricia Zipprodt

Patricia Zipprodt

Living place: Illinois

Birthday: 24-2-1925 (99 years old)

Population of US 1925: 115,829,000

Global rank: #98567

Email: updating

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Fashion designer Patricia Zipprodt profile

Who is Fashion designer Patricia Zipprodt?
Famous costume designs for which Broadway credits include product designs by Fiddler on the Roof, Cabaret, Chicago, Memoirs Brighton Beach, Into the Woods, Sand on Hot Tin Roof, and The Crucible.
She designed costumes for films such as The Graduate and 1776.

Young / Before famous

She studied sociology and psychology at Wellesley College. She designed the costumes for her first Broadway show, The Embedded Shed, in 1957.

Family life info

She married Colonel Robert O'Brien, Jr. in 1993. He had proposed to her five decades earlier and she had, at that time, turned down his offer; However, the two became acquainted again in the seventies.

Close relationship

Boy (girl) friend/ wife (husband)/ darling Fashion designer Patricia Zipprodt là ai?
She designed costumes for Broadway productions choreographed by legends Bob Fosse.

Body measurements of

How tall is Fashion designer Patricia Zipprodt? What Patricia Zipprodt's weight?
Height: updating
Weight: updating
Measurements: updating

Summary of Patricia Zipprodt profile

When was Fashion designer Patricia Zipprodt born?
Patricia Zipprodt birthday 24-2-1925 (at the age of 99).
Where is Fashion designer Patricia Zipprodt's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Patricia Zipprodt was born in Illinois, . Là Fashion designer, whose Zodiac is Pisces, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Ox. Patricia Zipprodt's global rank is 98567 and whose rank is 569 in list of famous Fashion designer. Population of US in 1925 is about 115,829,000 persons.
Celebrities born in:

Events in 1925 and 24-2

Events in US in the birth year of Patricia Zipprodt

  • Nellie Tayloe Ross takes office as governor of Wyoming (Jan. 5). She is the first woman governor in U.S. history.
  • Tennessee schoolteacher John T. Scopes is arrested (May 5) for teaching the theory of evolution, forbidden by state law.
  • Worst tornado in U.S. history hit Missouri, Illinois, and Indiana: 689 deaths.
  • Al Capone takes over the Chicago bootlegging racket.

Birthday Patricia Zipprodt (24-2) in history

  • Day 24-2 year 1582: Pope Gregory XIII issued a papal bull introducing the Gregorian calendar reform. The solar calendar that is being officially used in most countries around the world is therefore called the Gregorian calendar.
  • Day 24-2 year 1803: The Supreme Court ruled in Marbury v. Madison that any act of Congress which conflicts with the Constitution is null and void.
  • Day 24-2 year 1821: Mexico declared its independence from Spain.
  • Day 24-2 year 1868: Andrew Johnson, 17th president of the United States, became the first president to have impeachment proceedings brought against him by the House of Representatives.
  • Day 24-2 year 1903: The lease for Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, was signed.
  • Day 24-2 year 1920: Adolf Hitler outlined the basic points of the Nazi party at the Hofbrauhaus in Munich.
  • Day 24-2 year 1968: The discovery of a pulsar was announced.
  • Day 24-2 year 1980: The U.S. hockey team defeated Finland to win the gold medal at the Lake Placid Olympics.
  • Day 24-2 year 2022: The Russian Federation began its first attack on Ukraine, a large-scale military offensive (or "special military operation") against Ukraine, which the United Nations calls Russia. Invasion of Ukraine, the Western press called "Russia invaded Ukraine," "Ukrainian war," German press called "Putin war."
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Note about Fashion designer Patricia Zipprodt

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