Politicians Lewis Schwellenbach

Lewis Schwellenbach

Living place: Superior

Birthday: 20-9-1894

Global rank: #79959

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Politicians Lewis Schwellenbach profile

Who is Politicians Lewis Schwellenbach?
Secretary of Labor under Harry S. Truman from 1945 to 1948 who lost more than an economy transitioning back from war to peace. He served as a US Senator from Washington from 1935 to 1940.
Working under the policy of maximum employment, where his top priority was finding suitable employment for rotary valet. back, he also oversaw the end of wages and control of prices in wartime.

Young / Before famous

After earning his law degree, he worked with national trade and labor unions, before entering the United States Senate.

Family life info

He was born in Superior, Wisconsin, and moved with his family to Spokane, Washington, at the age of 8.

Close relationship

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Among his most important acts was that Harry S. Truman's secretary of labor passed the Taft-Hartley Act, curbing the power of unions, overriding the president's veto power.

Body measurements of

How tall is Politicians Lewis Schwellenbach? What Lewis Schwellenbach's weight?
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Weight: updating
Measurements: updating

Summary of Lewis Schwellenbach profile

When was Politicians Lewis Schwellenbach born?
Lewis Schwellenbach was born in 20-9-1894, death year is , at the age of 130.
Where is Politicians Lewis Schwellenbach's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Lewis Schwellenbach was born in Superior, Wisconsin- United States. Là Politicians, whose Zodiac is Virgo, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Horse. Lewis Schwellenbach's global rank is 79959 and whose rank is 1790 in list of famous Politicians.
Celebrities born in:

Events in 1894 and 20-9

Birthday Lewis Schwellenbach (20-9) in history

  • Day 20-9 year 1870: Victor Emmanuel II, the first king of modern Italy, seized the Papal States from the French.
  • Day 20-9 year 1881: Chester A. Arthur was sworn in as the 21st president of the United States, succeeding James A. Garfield, who had been assassinated.
  • Day 20-9 year 1973: Billie Jean King beat Bobby Riggs in a battle of the sexes tennis match.
  • Day 20-9 year 1998: Baltimore Oriole shortstop Cal Ripken, Jr., sat out a game, ending his consecutive game playing streak. Ripken played 2,632 consecutive games over 16 seasons.
  • Day 20-9 year 2000: Independent Counsel Robert Ray announced the end of the Whitewater investigation, saying there was insufficient evidence to charge President Clinton and his wife, Hillary.
  • Day 20-9 year 2001: President George W. Bush addressed the nation and a joint session of Congress about terrorism. He also named Tom Ridge as head of the new Office of Homeland Security.
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Note about Politicians Lewis Schwellenbach

Lewis Schwellenbach infomation and profile updated by nguoinoitieng.tv.