Singer Pio Nguyen


Pio Nguyen

Living place: Ho Chi Minh

Birthday: 29-3-2001 (23 years old)

Population of Vietnam 2001: 78,62 millions

Global rank: #20944


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Singer Pio Nguyen profile

Who is Singer Pio Nguyen?
Pio Nguyen (real name Nguyen Trong Phuong Nam) is a member of HKT group-M The Five. The role of Pio Nguyen in the group is Vocalist, high raft. Before HKT-M The Five debuted, each member of the group had a debut solo album. Pio Nguyen was well-trained at H. A Entertainment when he was just over 10 years old.
HKT-M is considered a child version of HKT established after the success of HKT's public opinion. The group HKT-M is stereotyped both in terms of fashion style and the "weird" music style of its seniors.
Initially, HKT-M was established with a lineup of only 3 members, then added 2 members and changed its name to HKT-M The Five including Hoai Nam (born in 1998), Andy Hai Au (born in 2000), Zyno The Minh (born in 2000), Pio Nguyen (born in 2001) and Billy Nhut Minh (born in 1997). All 5 members of HKT-M are well-trained to become a professional group following the path of senior HKT. Due to being born later and being carefully invested in salary, HKT juniors are taken care of their image more.
"Oh! La la la" is the first MV of HKT-M The Five that builds the image of vibrant, confident and professional boys. Although many viewers commented that their appearance and music style were not really suitable for their age, but the members of the group were not afraid of it because they were professional singers, young but experienced. quite thick.
In 2013, HKT-M The Five also caused a fever when it was invited to China to perform in a new spring program on Guangxi Cable Television.
Appearing with HKT-M since her face was still full of milk, Pio Nguyen now has an amazing makeover, tall and dashing like a Korean idol who has captured female fans' hearts. Although his style on stage is somewhat "bizarre", but in real life, Pio Nguyen is considered lovely, docile, polite, and approachable.

Close relationship

Girl friend/ wife/ darling Singer Pio Nguyen là ai?
Pio Nguyen is a close friend of a handsome, talented actor who has hundreds of thousands of followers on his personal page Nguyen Trung Nam. On the personal page, the duo also left the relationship as "Married". On Pio Nguyen's birthday, Trung Nam also sent a congratulatory message to the young singer.

Body measurements of

How tall is Singer Pio Nguyen? What Pio Nguyen's weight?
Height: updating
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Measurements: updating

Summary of Pio Nguyen profile

When was Singer Pio Nguyen born?
Pio Nguyen birthday 29-3-2001 (at the age of 23).
Where is Singer Pio Nguyen's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Pio Nguyen was born in Ho Chi Minh, of Vietnam. Mr, whose Zodiac is Aries, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Snake. Pio Nguyen's global rank is 20944 and whose rank is 623 in list of famous Singer. Population of Vietnam in 2001 is about 78,62 millions persons.
Celebrities born in:

Photos/ Images

Promising young singer Pio Nguyen

Young singer Pio Nguyen was well-trained when he was just over 10 years old

Singer Pio Nguyen is a member of the group HKT-M

Pio Nguyen ranking


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Events in 2001 and 29-3

Events in the world in the birth year of Pio Nguyen

  • Congo president Laurent Kabila assassinated by bodyguard (Jan. 16). Son Joseph Kabila takes over amid continuing civil war.
  • Ariel Sharon wins election in Israel (Feb. 6). Right-wing leader chosen overwhelmingly as nation's fifth prime minister in just over five years during worst Israeli-Palestinian violence in years. Background: Middle East.
  • The long-simmering resentment of Macedonia's ethnic Albanians erupts into violence in March. The rebels seek greater autonomy within Macedonia. After six months of fighting, a peace agreement is signed (Aug. 13). British-led NATO forces enter the country and disarm the guerrillas. Background: Macedonia and the Balkans.
  • U.S. spy plane and Chinese jet collide (April 2); Sino-American relations deteriorate during a standoff. The 24 crew members of the U.S. plane were detained for 11 days and released after the U.S. issued a formal statement of regret.
  • Former Yugoslav president Slobodan Milosevic is delivered to UN tribunal in The Hague to await war-crime trial (June 29).
  • Without U.S., 178 nations reach agreement on climate accord, which rescues, though dilutes, 1997 Kyoto Protocol (July 23).
  • In response to Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, U.S. and British forces launch bombing campaign on Taliban government and al-Qaeda terrorist camps in Afghanistan (Oct. 7). Bombings continue on a daily basis. Background: Afghanistan.
  • Irish Republican Army announces that it has begun to dismantle its weapons arsenal, marking a dramatic leap forward in Northern Ireland peace process (Oct. 23). Background: Northern Ireland Primer.
  • At a UN-sponsored summit in Bonn, Germany, Afghani factions meet to create a post-Taliban government (Nov. 27). Hamid Karzai is selected as head of the transitional government (Dec. 5). Background: Who's Who in Afghanistan.
  • Taliban regime in Afghanistan collapses after two months of bombing by American warplanes and fighting by Northern Alliance ground troops (Dec. 9).
  • Israel condemns the Palestinian Authority as a "terror-supporting entity" and severs ties with leader Yasir Arafat following mounting violence against Israelis (Dec. 3). The Israeli Army begins bombing Palestinian areas. Background: Middle East.

Birthday Pio Nguyen (29-3) in history

  • Day 29-3 year 1848: For the first time in recorded history, Niagara Falls stopped flowing. An ice jam in the Niagara River above the rim of the falls caused the water to stop.
  • Day 29-3 year 1867: The North America Act was passed by the British parliament, creating the dominion of Canada.
  • Day 29-3 year 1951: Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were found guilty of passing atomic secrets to the Russians and were sentenced to death.
  • Day 29-3 year 1971: Lt. William Calley was convicted of murdering 22 Vietnamese civilians in the My Lai massacre.
  • Day 29-3 year 1973: The last U.S. troops left South Vietnam.
  • Day 29-3 year 1999: The Dow Jones industrial average closed above 10,000 for the first time, at 10,006.78.
  • Day 29-3 year 2002: Israel declared Yasir Arafat an enemy.
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