Track and field athlete Richard Whitehead

Richard Whitehead

Living place: England

Birthday: 19-7-1976 (48 years old)

Population of the world 1976: 4.158 billions

Global rank: #65651

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Track and field athlete Richard Whitehead profile

Who is Track and field athlete Richard Whitehead?
British athlete known for running with a prosthetic leg after having a pair of amputated curved knees. He once held the world record in half and full marathon for amputees and was appointed a member of the Order of the British Empire in 2013.
He ran in the 2013 London Marathon and launched a fundraising campaign called Richard Whitehead Run England in 2013.

Young / Before famous

He worked as a swimming teacher in Nottingham and froze hockey weights.

Family life info

He grew up with his family in Nottingham.

Close relationship

Boy (girl) friend/ wife (husband)/ darling Track and field athlete Richard Whitehead là ai?
Another runner who has participated in the Chicago Marathon like him is Liliya Shobukhova.

Body measurements of

How tall is Track and field athlete Richard Whitehead? What Richard Whitehead's weight?
Height: updating
Weight: updating
Measurements: updating

Summary of Richard Whitehead profile

When was Track and field athlete Richard Whitehead born?
Richard Whitehead birthday 19-7-1976 (at the age of 48).
Where is Track and field athlete Richard Whitehead's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Richard Whitehead was born in England. Là Track and field athlete, whose Zodiac is Cancer, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Dragon. Richard Whitehead's global rank is 65651 and whose rank is 164 in list of famous Track and field athlete. Population of the world in 1976 is about 4.158 billions persons.
Celebrities born in:

Events in 1976 and 19-7

Events in the world in the birth year of Richard Whitehead

  • Khmer Rouge leader Pol Pot becomes prime minister (and virtual dictator) of Cambodia after Prince Sihanouk steps down (April 2).
  • Israeli airborne commandos attack Uganda's Entebbe Airport and free 103 hostages held by pro-Palestinian hijackers of Air France plane; one Israeli and several Ugandan soldiers killed in raid (July 4).
  • 19-month civil war ends in Lebanon after threatening to escalate to global level (Nov.).

Birthday Richard Whitehead (19-7) in history

  • Day 19-7 year 1848: The first women's rights convention, called by Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia C. Mott, was held in Seneca Falls, New York.
  • Day 19-7 year 1870: The Franco-Prussian war began.
  • Day 19-7 year 1941: Winston Churchill was the first to use the two-finger "V is for Victory" sign.
  • Day 19-7 year 1966: Fifty year-old singer Frank Sinatra married 21-year-old actress Mia Farrow.
  • Day 19-7 year 1984: Geraldine Ferraro became the first woman nominated for the vice-presidency by a major political party.
  • Day 19-7 year 1993: President Clinton announced the "Don't ask, don't tell" policy regarding gays in the military.
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Other famous Track and field athlete

Famous people born in 19-7-1976

Note about Track and field athlete Richard Whitehead

Richard Whitehead infomation and profile updated by