Wrestling athletes Adam Pearce

Adam Pearce

Living place: Illinois

Birthday: 24-6-1978 (46 years old)

Population of US 1978: 222,584,545

Global rank: #84179

Email: updating

Phone number: updating

Wrestling athletes Adam Pearce profile

Who is Wrestling athletes Adam Pearce?
Sometimes referred to simply as Pearce, he has won numerous NWA Heavyweight World Championships.
In addition to US promotions, he has wrestled professionally in Mexico and Japan, and also on nThe independent circuit.

Young / Before famous

He was a soccer and baseball star in high school, but an injury derailed his career, and during his recovery, he took up wrestling.

Family life info

He was born and raised in Lake Forest, Illinois.

Close relationship

Boy (girl) friend/ wife (husband)/ darling Wrestling athletes Adam Pearce là ai?
He is a member of the Gold Bond Mafia with Colt Cabana, Chuck E. Smooth, Dave Prazak, and CM Punk.

Body measurements of

How tall is Wrestling athletes Adam Pearce? What Adam Pearce's weight?
Height: updating
Weight: updating
Measurements: updating

Summary of Adam Pearce profile

When was Wrestling athletes Adam Pearce born?
Adam Pearce birthday 24-6-1978 (at the age of 46).
Where is Wrestling athletes Adam Pearce's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Adam Pearce was born in Illinois, . Là Wrestling athletes, whose Zodiac is Cancer, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Horse. Adam Pearce's global rank is 84179 and whose rank is 626 in list of famous Wrestling athletes. Population of US in 1978 is about 222,584,545 persons.
Celebrities born in:

Events in 1978 and 24-6

Events in US in the birth year of Adam Pearce

  • President Carter chooses Federal Appeals Court Judge William H. Webster as F.B.I. director (Jan. 19).
  • US Supreme Court in Bakke case, bars quota systems in college admissions but affirms constitutionality of programs giving advantage to minorities (June 28).

Birthday Adam Pearce (24-6) in history

  • Day 24-6 year 1509: Henry VIII is officially crowned king of England.
  • Day 24-6 year 1647: Early American feminist Margaret Brent requested a seat and vote in the Maryland Congress but was removed from that body.
  • Day 24-6 year 1675: The day of the deadliest war commanded by King Philip between the colonists and the Indians began with the Indians attacking the settlement of Swansea (Mass).
  • Day 24-6 year 1908: The 22nd and 24th president of the United States, Grover Cleveland, died in Princeton, N.J.
  • Day 24-6 year 1947: Kenneth Arnold, an American pilot, reported seeing strange objects near Mt. Rainier, Washington. He described them as "saucers skipping across the water," hence the term "flying saucers" was born.
  • Day 24-6 year 1948: The Soviet Union began a blockade of Berlin. Allied forces responded with what would be known as the Berlin Airlift flying in more than 2 million tons of supplies over the next year.
  • Day 24-6 year 1997: The U.S. Air Force released The Roswell Report, closing the case on the 1947 Roswell, N.M. incident concerning UFOs and alien bodies.
  • Day 24-6 year 2011: New York passes a law to allow same-sex marriage, becoming the largest state that allows gay and lesbian couples to marry.
  • Day 24-6 year 2012: Lonesome George, the last known Pinta Island Tortoise, died at a Galapagos National Park, making the subspecies extinct.
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Note about Wrestling athletes Adam Pearce

Adam Pearce infomation and profile updated by nguoinoitieng.tv.