Youtube star Stephanie Duran

Stephanie Duran

Living place: United States

Birthday: 29-7-1997 (27 years old)

Population of the world 1997: 5.840 billions

Global rank: #45614

Email: updating

Phone number: updating

Youtube star Stephanie Duran profile

Who is Youtube star Stephanie Duran?
Glamor queen simply called ItsSteephh on YouTube. She has amassed a following of more than 60,000 subscribers posting makeup tutorials, skin care tips, and challenge videos.
Her two most popular videos feature affordable mirror values ​​for the hugely popular Kylie Jenner Lip Kit.

Young / Before famous

Although her YouTube channel was created in May 2010, she did not post the first video, entitled "Kendall Jenner Inspired | Makeup Tutorial". Was not posted until March 2015

Family life info

Her mother's name is Nathalia Seabra and she has a younger sister named Victoria.

Close relationship

Boy (girl) friend/ wife (husband)/ darling Youtube star Stephanie Duran là ai?
She became friends with many other YouTubers, like Patrick Starr.

Body measurements of

How tall is Youtube star Stephanie Duran? What Stephanie Duran's weight?
Height: updating
Weight: updating
Measurements: updating

Summary of Stephanie Duran profile

When was Youtube star Stephanie Duran born?
Stephanie Duran birthday 29-7-1997 (at the age of 27).
Where is Youtube star Stephanie Duran's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Stephanie Duran was born in United States. Là Youtube star, whose Zodiac is Leo, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Ox. Stephanie Duran's global rank is 45614 and whose rank is 3792 in list of famous Youtube star. Population of the world in 1997 is about 5.840 billions persons.
Celebrities born in:

Events in 1997 and 29-7

Events in the world in the birth year of Stephanie Duran

  • Hebron agreement signed; Israel gives up large part of West Bank city of Hebron (Jan. 16). Israeli government approves establishment of Jewish settlement in East Jerusalem, a setback in Middle East peace process (Feb. 26). Background: Middle East Peace Negotiations
  • US, UK, and France agree to freeze Nazis' gold loot (Feb. 3).
  • Hong Kong returns to Chinese rule (June 30).
  • Khmer Rouge hold trial of longtime leader Pol Pot (July 25).
  • Swiss plan first payment to Holocaust victims (Sept. 17).
  • European Union plans to admit six nations (Dec. 13).

Birthday Stephanie Duran (29-7) in history

  • Day 29-7 year 1890: Artist Vincent van Gogh died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound in Auvers, France.
  • Day 29-7 year 1958: President Eisenhower signed the congressional act that created the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) was authorized by Congress.
  • Day 29-7 year 1968: In Humanae Vitae (of Human Life), Pope Paul VI reaffirmed the Catholic Church's prohibition on artificial methods of birth control.
  • Day 29-7 year 1981: Prince Charles, heir to the British throne, married Lady Diana Spencer.
  • Day 29-7 year 2003: Red sox switch hitter Bill Mueller became the first baseball player to hit grand slam home runs from both sides of the plate in the same game.
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Note about Youtube star Stephanie Duran

Stephanie Duran infomation and profile updated by