All chess player Shen Yang

Shen Yang

Living place: China

Birthday: 23-1-1989 (35 years old)

Population of the world 1989: 5.190 billions

Global rank: #69078

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All chess player Shen Yang profile

Who is All chess player Shen Yang?
High Rated Women's Chess Grandmaster currently plays for Jiangsu chess club in China Chess League.
She won the Girl's World Youth Chess Championship in 2006 and the Women's Chess Championship in Hung Hoa in 2009.

Young / Before famous

She won the Girls of Youth World Chess Championship section in 2001.

Family life info

She was encouraged to play chess by her family at a young age.

Close relationship

Boy (girl) friend/ wife (husband)/ darling All chess player Shen Yang là ai?
She and Bu Xiangzhi are two of the biggest chess stars in China.

Body measurements of

How tall is All chess player Shen Yang? What Shen Yang's weight?
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Weight: updating
Measurements: updating

Summary of Shen Yang profile

When was All chess player Shen Yang born?
Shen Yang birthday 23-1-1989 (at the age of 35).
Where is All chess player Shen Yang's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Shen Yang was born in China. Là All chess player, whose Zodiac is Aquarius, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Dragon. Shen Yang's global rank is 69078 and whose rank is 80 in list of famous All chess player. Population of the world in 1989 is about 5.190 billions persons.
Special event in 23-1-1989: Salvador Dali died in Spain at age 84.
Celebrities born in:

Other famous All chess player

Famous people born in 23-1-1989

Note about All chess player Shen Yang

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