Boxing athlete Raushee Warren

Raushee Warren

Living place: Ohio

Birthday: 13-2-1987 (37 years old)

Population of US 1987: 242,288,918

Global rank: #82306

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Boxing athlete Raushee Warren profile

Who is Boxing athlete Raushee Warren?
USA Boxing 2006 Athlete of the Year 2007 Flyweight World Champion, 2007 World Amateur Boxing Champion.
With 2004 and 2008 Olympic appearances, he became the first American boxer to fight in 2 Olympic Games in over 30 years.

Young / Before famous

He started training at age 6 and won his first amateur fight at age 8.

Family life info

He has siblings named Steven, Ortayga, and Antonio Warren.

Close relationship

Who is Boy (girl) friend/ wife (husband)/ darling Boxing athlete Raushee Warren?
He trained at the same gym where Junior Heavy Champion Aaron Pryor trained in the 70s and 80s.

Body measurements of

How tall is Boxing athlete Raushee Warren? What Raushee Warren's weight?
Height: updating
Weight: updating
Measurements: updating

Summary of Raushee Warren profile

When was Boxing athlete Raushee Warren born?
Raushee Warren birthday 13-2-1987 (at the age of 37).
Where is Boxing athlete Raushee Warren's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Raushee Warren was born in Ohio, . is a Boxing athlete, whose Zodiac is Aquarius, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Cat. Raushee Warren's global rank is 82306 and whose rank is 359 in list of famous Boxing athlete. Population of US in 1987 is about 242,288,918 persons.
Celebrities born in:

Events in 1987 and 13-2

Events in US in the birth year of Raushee Warren

  • US Supreme Court rules Rotary Clubs must admit women (May 4).
  • US Supreme Court Justice Lewis F. Powell, Jr., retires (June 26).
  • Oliver North, Jr., tells Congressional inquiry higher officials approved his secret Iran-Contra operations (July 7–10).
  • Admiral John M. Poindexter, former National Security Adviser, testifies he authorized use of Iran arms sale profits to aid Contras (July 15–22).
  • George P. Shultz testifies he was deceived repeatedly on Iran-Contra affair (July 23–24).
  • Defense Secretary Caspar W. Weinberger tells inquiry of official deception and intrigue (July 31, Aug. 3).
  • Reagan says Iran arms-Contra policy went astray and accepts responsibility (Aug. 12).
  • Senate, 58-42, rejects Robert H. Bork as US Supreme Court Justice (Oct. 23).

Birthday Raushee Warren (13-2) in history

  • Day 13-2 year 1866: The gang that included Jesse James and Cole Younger committed their first bank robbery in Liberty, Mo.
  • Day 13-2 year 1867: Johann Strauss's Blue Danube waltz premiered in Vienna.
  • Day 13-2 year 1935: Bruno Hauptmann was found guilty of murder in the Lindbergh kidnapping case.
  • Day 13-2 year 1960: France exploded its first atomic bomb.
  • Day 13-2 year 1974: Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, who won the 1970 Nobel Prize for literature, was deported from the Soviet Union.
  • Day 13-2 year 2002: The French judge was accused of throwing the pairs skating decision to the Russians at the Olympics.
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Note about Boxing athlete Raushee Warren

Raushee Warren infomation and profile updated by