CEO Vu Minh Tri

Image of Vu Minh Tri #

Vu Minh Tri

Living place: Ho Chi Minh

Birthday: ?-?-1973 (51 years old)

Population of Vietnam 1973: 45,82 millions

Global rank: #76090

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CEO Vu Minh Tri profile

Who is CEO Vu Minh Tri?
CEO Vu Minh Tri is a prominent name in the field of technology in our country. This CEO is also admired by many young people because of his huge profile, having held senior leadership positions in global corporations in Vietnam such as: Sony Ericsson, Yahoo! Vietnam, Microsoft Vietnam,... Currently, CEO Vu Minh Tri is the General Director of ASIM Group Joint Stock Company. Having worked for a long time in a field that requires high sensitivity, grasping constant trends, and being close to young employees, CEO Vu Minh Tri has new perspectives on how to work. In particular, the CEO also paid a lot of attention and expectation to Gen Z - the creative and dynamic generation.
Mr. Vu Minh Tri was born and raised in Bien Hoa, Dong Nai. After graduating from Polytechnic University Ho Chi Minh City majoring in oil and gas, he started his career in Tap Vietnam Oil and Gas Group. However, every day facing the laboratory and the numbers, he feels that this place does not seem to be the place for him. Mr. Vu Minh Tri decided to quit his job at the oil and gas group and applied to Procter & Gamble for the position of Brand Manager, an unrelated industry. From there, he continued the process of discovering his own strengths and passions. For Vu Minh Tri, time is a free but priceless gift, the things he reaps in each stage of his life have a certain meaning. He shared: “When we face adversity, we often say that we have wasted our time, but that is not the case, every experience, whether it is failure or success, is of equal value. If we think we've wasted our time, we're wasting our lives by not getting anything out of our journey of self-discovery.”
Theory According to information from the National Portal on business registration, from May 4, 2022, Audiovisual Global Joint Stock Company (AVG) has had a change in the position of General Director cum representative under law. Mr. Vu Minh Tri became the CEO and legal representative of AVG from the beginning of May 2022, replacing Mr. Mai Duy Long.

Close relationship

Who is Girl friend/ wife/ darling CEO Vu Minh Tri?

Body measurements of

How tall is CEO Vu Minh Tri? What Vu Minh Tri's weight?
Height: updating
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Measurements: updating

Summary of Vu Minh Tri profile

When was CEO Vu Minh Tri born?
Vu Minh Tri birthday ?-?-1973 (at the age of 51).
Where is CEO Vu Minh Tri's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Vu Minh Tri was born in Dong Nai, of Vietnam. Mr working and living in Ho Chi Minh, of Vietnam. Mr, whose Zodiac is (don't know), and who Chinese Zodiac is The Ox. Vu Minh Tri's global rank is 76090 and whose rank is 209 in list of famous CEO. Population of Vietnam in 1973 is about 45,82 millions persons.
Celebrities born in:

Photos/ Images

Portrait of CEO Vu Minh Tri
Portrait of CEO Vu Minh Tri
CEO Vu Minh Tri is a prominent name in the technology field in our country
CEO Vu Minh Tri is a prominent name in the technology field in our country
CEO Vu Minh Tri becomes CEO and legal representative of AVG
CEO Vu Minh Tri becomes CEO and legal representative of AVG

Vu Minh Tri ranking


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Events in 1973 and 31-2

Events in the world in the birth year of Vu Minh Tri

  • Great Britain, Ireland, and Denmark enter European Economic Community (Jan. 1).
  • A ceasefire is signed, ending involvement of American ground troops in the Vietnam War. (Jan. 28).
  • US bombing of Cambodia ends, marking official halt to 12 years of combat activity in Southeast Asia (Aug. 15).
  • Chile's Marxist president, Salvadore Allende, is overthrown (Sept. 11); Gen. Augusto Pinochet takes power.
  • Fourth and largest Arab-Israeli conflict begins when Egyptian and Syrian forces attack Israel as Jews mark Yom Kippur, holiest day in their calendar (Oct. 6). Egypt and Israel sign US-sponsored cease-fire accord (Nov. 11). Background: Arab-Israeli Wars
  • Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) hikes oil prices tremendously in retaliation for Western countries' involvement in Yom Kippur War.
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