ESports athletes Jang Min-chul

Jang Min-chul

Living place: South Korean

Birthday: 17-6-1991 (33 years old)

Population of the world 1991: 5.359 billions

Global rank: #99981

Email: updating

Phone number: updating

ESports athletes Jang Min-chul profile

Who is ESports athletes Jang Min-chul?
One of the most successful StarCraft II gamers in the sport's history known for winning two StarCraft II League global championships. He has spent time playing for Old Generations and SK Gaming, where he was famous for playing Protoss himself. He initially decided to retire in June 2015.
After retiring at the end of 2015, he won the 2015 Red Bull Battle Base: Washington, officially making him a player. First StarCraft to pass 500, 000 $ tournament prize money. His nickname is MC.

Young / Before famous

He started playing with Old Generation in 2010 and won his first tournament, the 2010 Sony Ericsson StarCraft II Open Season 3, later that year.

Family life info

He grew up in Korea, but has traveled throughout Europe and North America to play competitively.

Close relationship

Who is Boy (girl) friend/ wife (husband)/ darling ESports athletes Jang Min-chul?
He and Patrik Lindberg both represent SK Gaming.

Body measurements of

How tall is ESports athletes Jang Min-chul? What Jang Min-chul's weight?
Height: updating
Weight: updating
Measurements: updating

Summary of Jang Min-chul profile

When was ESports athletes Jang Min-chul born?
Jang Min-chul birthday 17-6-1991 (at the age of 33).
Where is ESports athletes Jang Min-chul's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Jang Min-chul was born in South Korean. is a ESports athletes, whose Zodiac is Gemini, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Goat. Jang Min-chul's global rank is 99981 and whose rank is 145 in list of famous ESports athletes. Population of the world in 1991 is about 5.359 billions persons.
Celebrities born in:

Events in 1991 and 17-6

Events in the world in the birth year of Jang Min-chul

  • Cease-fire ends Persian Gulf War (April 3); UN forces are victorious. Background: The Persian Gulf War
  • Europeans end sanctions on South Africa (April 15). South African Parliament repeals apartheid laws (June 5).
  • France agrees to sign 1968 treaty banning spread of atomic weapons (June 3). China accepts nuclear nonproliferation treaty (Aug. 10). Bush-Gorbachev summit negotiates strategic arms reduction treaty (July 31).
  • Communist Government of Albania resigns (June 4).
  • Warsaw Pact dissolved (July 1).
  • Boris Yeltsin becomes first freely elected president of Russian Republic (July 10). Yeltsin's stock increases when he takes a prominent role in suppressing an anti-Gorbachev coup by communist hardliners (Aug. 18-22). Background: Rulers of Russia since 1533
  • Lithuania, Estonia, and Latvia win independence from USSR (Aug. 25); US recognizes them (Sept. 2).
  • Haitian troops seize president in uprising (Sept. 30). US suspends assistance to Haiti (Oct. 1).
  • US indicts two Libyans in 1988 bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland (Nov. 15).
  • Soviet Union breaks up after President Gorbachev's resignation; constituent republics form Commonwealth of Independent States (Dec. 25). Background: Dissolution of the USSR

Birthday Jang Min-chul (17-6) in history

  • Day 17-6 year 1775: The Battle of Bunker Hill took place during the siege of Boston at the beginning of the American Revolutionary War.
  • Day 17-6 year 1885: The Statue of Liberty arrived in New York City aboard the French ship Isere.
  • Day 17-6 year 1928: Amelia Earhart embarked on the first trans-Atlantic flight by a woman.
  • Day 17-6 year 1944: The Republic of Iceland was established.
  • Day 17-6 year 1963: U.S. Supreme Court ruled that no locality may require recitation of Lord's Prayer or Bible verses in public schools.
  • Day 17-6 year 1972: Burglary of Democratic Party headquarters in Washington, DC, started the Watergate political scandal.
  • Day 17-6 year 1994: O. J. Simpson's slow-speed chase by the police, watched by millions on TV, ended in his arrest.
  • Day 17-6 year 2002: Australian scientists announced that they had "teleported" a laser beam—breaking it up and reconstructing it in another location.
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Note about ESports athletes Jang Min-chul

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