Family member Dominique Gonzales

Dominique Gonzales

Living place: Texas

Birthday: 9-3-1986 (38 years old)

Population of US 1986: 240,132,887

Global rank: #57605

Email: updating

Phone number: updating

Family member Dominique Gonzales profile

Who is Family member Dominique Gonzales?
Influential social media celebrities who are dance's sister Chachi Gonzales.
She has inherited a huge following on Instagram of over 34 followers.

Young / Before famous

In April 2009, she launched her Twitter account with the tweet "I'm exploring the creative niches of my mind."

Family life info

Besides Chachi, she has three other siblings.

Close relationship

Who is Boy (girl) friend/ wife (husband)/ darling Family member Dominique Gonzales?
She appeared with her older sister and boyfriend Josh Leyva on the reality television series Chachi of the World.

Body measurements of

How tall is Family member Dominique Gonzales? What Dominique Gonzales's weight?
Height: updating
Weight: updating
Measurements: updating

Summary of Dominique Gonzales profile

When was Family member Dominique Gonzales born?
Dominique Gonzales birthday 9-3-1986 (at the age of 38).
Where is Family member Dominique Gonzales's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Dominique Gonzales was born in Texas, . is a Family member, whose Zodiac is Pisces, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Tiger. Dominique Gonzales's global rank is 57605 and whose rank is 836 in list of famous Family member. Population of US in 1986 is about 240,132,887 persons.
Celebrities born in:

Events in 1986 and 9-3

Events in US in the birth year of Dominique Gonzales

  • US Supreme Court bars racial bias in trial jury selection (Jan. 14).
  • Space shuttle Challenger explodes after launch at Cape Canaveral, Fla., killing all seven aboard (Jan. 28).
  • US Supreme Court reaffirms abortion rights (June 11).
  • Senate Judiciary Committee approves William H. Rehnquist as Chief Justice of US Supreme Court(Aug. 14).
  • House votes arms appropriations bill rejecting Administration's "star wars" policy (Aug. 15).
  • Secret initiative to send arms to Iran revealed (Nov. 6 et seq.); Reagan denies exchanging arms for hostages and halts arms sales (Nov. 19); diversion of funds from arms sales to Nicaraguan Contras revealed (Nov. 25).

Birthday Dominique Gonzales (9-3) in history

  • Day 9-3 year 1796: Napoleon Bonaparte married Josephine de Beauharnais, widow of a former French officer executed during the revolution.
  • Day 9-3 year 1841: The Supreme Court ruled that the Amistad slaves were free.
  • Day 9-3 year 1862: The first battle between two ironclad ships, the Monitor (Union) and Merrimack (Confederate) occurred, revolutionizing naval warfare.
  • Day 9-3 year 1933: The special session of Congress known as the "100 days" opened, launching FDR's New Deal.
  • Day 9-3 year 1964: U.S. Supreme Court issued N.Y. Times v. Sullivan ruling.
  • Day 9-3 year 1990: Dr. Antonia Novello was sworn in as both the first Hispanic and woman to be U.S. surgeon general.
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Other famous Family member

Famous people born in 9-3-1986

Note about Family member Dominique Gonzales

Dominique Gonzales infomation and profile updated by