Mixed martial arts athlete MMA Nguyen Ben

Nguyen Ben

Living place: Sioux Falls

Birthday: 3-8-1988 (36 years old)

Population of US 1988: 244,498,982

Global rank: #84735

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Mixed martial arts athlete MMA Nguyen Ben profile

Who is Mixed martial arts athlete MMA Nguyen Ben?
Nguyen Ben, also known as Ben Ten, is a Vietnamese-American. He is an athlete of mixed martial arts MMA. He has won many awards such as: Nitro Bantamweight champion, K-Oz Bantamweight champion, No. 1 Bantamweight position in Australia.
Before starting his career as a professional boxer, Nguyen Ben worked as a professional fighter. work as a computer engineer. In 2012, he went to Thailand to attend Tiger Muay Thai & MMA Scholar Athlete. He then moved to Brisbane, Australia to play here. After winning Nitro Bantamweight, K-Oz Bantamweight and being number 1 at Bantamweight in Australia since 2015, he started competing in the UFC flyweight competition, winning his first two fights in the ring. first competition. Nguyen Ben has set a record in MMA when he won 16 matches and lost 5 matches.
He became famous on the internet after a clip of Nguyen Ben defeating Julian Wallace was shared on YouTube. This clip has attracted more than 18 million views on Youtube and about 100 million views on Facebook and other social networks.

Family life info

Nguyen Ben met his wife, April Adams, while he was attending a training course in Thailand. At the end of 2015 they held a wedding ceremony.

Close relationship

Who is Girl friend/ wife/ darling Mixed martial arts athlete MMA Nguyen Ben?

Body measurements of

How tall is Mixed martial arts athlete MMA Nguyen Ben? What Nguyen Ben's weight?
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Measurements: updating

Summary of Nguyen Ben profile

When was Mixed martial arts athlete MMA Nguyen Ben born?
Nguyen Ben birthday 3-8-1988 (at the age of 36).
Where is Mixed martial arts athlete MMA Nguyen Ben's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Nguyen Ben was born in Sioux Falls, South Dakota- United States. Mr, whose Zodiac is Leo, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Dragon. Nguyen Ben's global rank is 84735 and whose rank is 340 in list of famous Mixed martial arts athlete MMA. Population of US in 1988 is about 244,498,982 persons.
Celebrities born in:

Photos/ Images

Portrait of mixed martial artist Nguyen Ben
Portrait of mixed martial artist Nguyen Ben
A photo of mixed martial artist Nguyen Ben and his wife
A photo of mixed martial artist Nguyen Ben and his wife
A new photo of mixed martial artist Nguyen Ben
A new photo of mixed martial artist Nguyen Ben
Latest picture of mixed martial artist Nguyen Ben
Latest picture of mixed martial artist Nguyen Ben

Nguyen Ben ranking


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Events in 1988 and 3-8

Events in US in the birth year of Nguyen Ben

  • Robert C. McFarlane, former National Security Adviser, pleads guilty in Iran-Contra case (March 11).
  • US Navy ship shoots down Iranian airliner in Persian Gulf, mistaking it for jet fighter; 290 killed (July 3).
  • Democratic convention nominates Gov. Michael Dukakis of Massachusetts for President and Texas Senator Lloyd Bentsen for Vice President (July 17 et seq.).
  • Republican convention nominates George Bush for President and Indiana Senator Dan Quayle for Vice President (Aug. 15 et seq.).
  • Republicans sweep 40 states in election, and Bush beats Dukakis (Nov. 8).

Birthday Nguyen Ben (3-8) in history

  • Day 3-8 year 1492: Explorer Christopher Columbus set sail from Palos, Spain.
  • Day 3-8 year 1914: Germany declared war on France.
  • Day 3-8 year 1923: Calvin Coolidge was sworn in as the 30th president of the United States, following the death of Warren G. Harding.
  • Day 3-8 year 1949: The National Basketball Association was formed.
  • Day 3-8 year 1958: The nuclear-powered submarmine Nautilus became the first vessel to cross the North Pole underwater.
  • Day 3-8 year 1981: U.S. air traffic controllers went on strike.
  • Day 3-8 year 1987: A 22-cent stamp honoring author William Faulkner was issued. Its first-day cancellation was held in Oxford, Miss., where Faulkner had served as postmaster from 1921 until his resignation in 1924 following accusations of negligence.
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Note about Mixed martial arts athlete MMA Nguyen Ben

Nguyen Ben infomation and profile updated by nguoinoitieng.tv.