Only Toker Tran Trung Hieu (Chef Hugo Hieu)

Tran Trung Hieu (Chef Hugo Hieu)

Living place: Ha Noi

Birthday: 7-11-1989 (35 years old)

Population of Vietnam 1989: 64,77 millions

Global rank: #4322



Phone number: updating

Only Toker Tran Trung Hieu (Chef Hugo Hieu) profile

Who is Only Toker Tran Trung Hieu (Chef Hugo Hieu)?
Tran Trung Hieu (Chef Hugo Hieu) is a TikToker and famous chef who brings traditional Vietnamese dishes to life. Audiences following the TikTok channel (@chef_hugo_hieu) were impressed with the image of a handsome guy, an extremely manly 6-pack body with rippling muscles, and extremely skillful cooking. Trung Hieu is known to everyone through a series of videos on the topic "Tray of rice during Tet". His dishes are not only delicious but also beautiful and meticulous in every detail. Loving food and loving the customs of his homeland helps Trung Hieu be more creative in his videos. Besides creating culinary content, Trung Hieu is also a personal fitness coach.
Do not choose trendy dishes of young people or trending dishes; Trung Hieu chose his own path. He often teaches traditional dishes of the nation, integrating stories with cultural and historical significance of the region. Sometimes, he also recounts his family's life during a time when it was difficult to create a feeling of closeness and familiarity, and to further appreciate the value of traditional cuisine. His warm, inspiring voice is also what attracts and keeps the audience following his channel.
Not only does he instruct on how to cook traditional feasts during Vietnamese holidays and Tet, he also teaches simple dishes on the daily feast. Whether it's a "full tray" or simple dishes, Trung Hieu also carefully arranges and gives detailed step-by-step instructions to help even those who are not proficient in cooking show off their talents. It can be said that he has contributed to spreading the quintessence of traditional cuisine left by his ancestors.
Belonging to the late 8X generation, Trung Hieu has more opportunities to interact with traditional cuisine than young people today. In his memory, the image of grandmothers and mothers in the old kitchen, taking care of every meal until the New Year and death anniversary is always very beautiful. Since he was young, his grandmother took him to the temple to watch the wedding ceremony, and followed his mother to help his neighbors make feasts. The passion for cooking has gradually permeated his personality since then.
Every day, after finishing training with his students at the gym, Trung Hieu drives to the market near his house to buy standard ingredients. was given dinner. Many sellers complimented him when they saw him skillfully choosing food. While cooking and filming alone, Trung Hieu still produces many million-view videos.

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How tall is Only Toker Tran Trung Hieu (Chef Hugo Hieu)? What Tran Trung Hieu (Chef Hugo Hieu)'s weight?
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Summary of Tran Trung Hieu (Chef Hugo Hieu) profile

When was Only Toker Tran Trung Hieu (Chef Hugo Hieu) born?
Tran Trung Hieu (Chef Hugo Hieu) birthday 7-11-1989 (at the age of 35).
Where is Only Toker Tran Trung Hieu (Chef Hugo Hieu)'s birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Tran Trung Hieu (Chef Hugo Hieu) was born in Ha Noi, of Vietnam. Mr, whose Zodiac is Scorpius, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Snake. Tran Trung Hieu (Chef Hugo Hieu)'s global rank is 4322 and whose rank is 327 in list of famous Only Toker. Population of Vietnam in 1989 is about 64,77 millions persons.
Special event in 7-11-1989: L. Douglas Wilder was elected governor of Virginia. He became the nation's first elected black governor.
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Photos/ Images

TikToker Tran Trung Hieu (Chef Hugo Hieu) is famous for his traditional cooking videos

TikToker Tran Trung Hieu (Chef Hugo Hieu) impresses with his muscular muscles

TikToker Tran Trung Hieu (Chef Hugo Hieu) is careful and Be meticulous when cooking

Tran Trung Hieu (Chef Hugo Hieu) ranking


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