Poet Ng Yi-Sheng


Ng Yi-Sheng

Living place: Singapore

Birthday: 25-11-1980 (44 years old)

Population of the world 1980: 4.453 billions

Global rank: #100063

Email: updating

Phone number: updating

Poet Ng Yi-Sheng profile

Who is Poet Ng Yi-Sheng?
Singapore born author of famous works in 2006, SQ21: Singapore Queers in the 21st century. Also a poet, he publishes his work in literary magazines such as Softblow, Queer, and magazine Asia.
He published Last Boy, his first collection of poems, in 2006.

Young / Before famous

He graduated from Columbia University, has comparative literature research and writing.

Family life info

He and his family lived in Hong Kong for three years during his childhood.

Close relationship

Boy (girl) friend/ wife (husband)/ darling Poet Ng Yi-Sheng là ai?
He and fellow writer Eric Temple Bell both attended Columbia University.

Body measurements of

How tall is Poet Ng Yi-Sheng? What Ng Yi-Sheng's weight?
Height: updating
Weight: updating
Measurements: updating

Summary of Ng Yi-Sheng profile

When was Poet Ng Yi-Sheng born?
Ng Yi-Sheng birthday 25-11-1980 (at the age of 44).
Where is Poet Ng Yi-Sheng's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Ng Yi-Sheng was born in . Là Poet, whose Zodiac is Sagittarius, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Monkey. Ng Yi-Sheng's global rank is 100063 and whose rank is 1232 in list of famous Poet. Population of the world in 1980 is about 4.453 billions persons.
Celebrities born in:

Events in 1980 and 25-11

Events in the world in the birth year of Ng Yi-Sheng

  • Six US embassy aides escape from Iran with Canadian help (Jan. 29). Background: Iran Hostage Crisis
  • US breaks diplomatic ties with Iran (April 7).
  • Eight US servicemen are killed and five are injured as helicopter and cargo plane collide in abortive desert raid to rescue American hostages in Teheran (April 25). Background: Iran Hostage Crisis
  • Anastasio Somoza Debayle, ousted Nicaraguan ruler, and two aides are assassinated in Paraguayan capital of Asunción (Sept. 17).
  • Iraqi troops hold 90 square miles of Iran after invasion; 8-year Iran-Iraq War begins (Sept. 19).
  • Three US nuns and a lay worker are found shot in El Salvador (Dec. 4).

Birthday Ng Yi-Sheng (25-11) in history

  • Day 25-11 year 1758: The British captured Fort Duquesne (Pittsburgh) in the seven-year war between the two coalitions, including Great Britain, the Kingdom of Hannover, and Prussia. Fighting on the other side were France, Austria, Russia, Sweden, and the Saxony
  • Day 25-11 year 1783: The British withdrew their troops from New York City, their last military position, after the Revolutionary War.
  • Day 25-11 year 1841: The slaves who seized the Amistad in 1839 were freed by the Supreme Court. They had been defended by former president John Quincy Adams.
  • Day 25-11 year 1947: Movie executives blacklisted the "Hollywood Ten."
  • Day 25-11 year 1986: Iran-Contra scandal broke.
  • Day 25-11 year 1998: Jiang Zemin became the first Chinese head of state to visit Japan since World War II.
  • Day 25-11 year 1999: Elian Gonzalez was rescued off the coast of Florida.
  • Day 25-11 year 2002: President George W. Bush signed into law the Department of Homeland Security and named Tom Ridge as head.
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Note about Poet Ng Yi-Sheng

Ng Yi-Sheng infomation and profile updated by nguoinoitieng.tv.