Politicians Alexander Kerensky

Alexander Kerensky

Living place: Russia

Birthday: 4-5-1881

Global rank: #99055

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Politicians Alexander Kerensky profile

Who is Politicians Alexander Kerensky?
Remembered as both Prime Minister of Russia and Minister, Russia's Provisional Head of Government in 1917, Kerensky was a prominent member of the Party's socialist revolution.
After the October Revolution of 1917, Kerensky lived in exile in France, Australia, and the United States.

Young / Before famous

In the 1900s, he earned a law degree from St Petersburg University.

Family life info

His mother, Nadezhda Adler Kerensky, was the child of a Russian-German aristocrat, and his father, Fyodor Kerensky, was a teacher who counted among his students future Russian leader Vladimir Lenin. In 1904, Aleksandr Fyodorovich Kerenskii married Olga Lvovna Baranovskaya.

Close relationship

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He played a key role in the February Revolution of 1917 that removed Tsar Nicholas II from power.

Body measurements of

How tall is Politicians Alexander Kerensky? What Alexander Kerensky's weight?
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Summary of Alexander Kerensky profile

When was Politicians Alexander Kerensky born?
Alexander Kerensky was born in 4-5-1881, death year is , at the age of 143.
Where is Politicians Alexander Kerensky's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Alexander Kerensky was born in Russia. Là Politicians, whose Zodiac is Taurus, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Snake. Alexander Kerensky's global rank is 99055 and whose rank is 2611 in list of famous Politicians.
Celebrities born in:

Events in 1881 and 4-5

Birthday Alexander Kerensky (4-5) in history

  • Day 4-5 year 1626: Dutch Governor Peter Minuit landed in Manhattan, which he later bought for $24 in cloth and brass buttons.
  • Day 4-5 year 1886: The Haymarket Square riot broke out as a result of a labor demonstration.
  • Day 4-5 year 1932: Public Enemy Number One, Al Capone, was jailed for tax evasion.
  • Day 4-5 year 1959: The first Grammy Awards were held.
  • Day 4-5 year 1961: Civil rights activists, called "freedom riders," left Washington, DC for New Orleans.
  • Day 4-5 year 1970: Four Kent State University students were shot down by National Guard members during an anti-Vietnam War demonstration.
  • Day 4-5 year 1998: The Unabomber, Ted Kaczynski, was sentenced to four life terms plus 30 years for his series of bombings that killed three and injured 23.
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Note about Politicians Alexander Kerensky

Alexander Kerensky infomation and profile updated by nguoinoitieng.tv.