Politicians Don Beyer

Don Beyer

Living place: Italy

Birthday: 20-6-1950 (74 years old)

Population of the world 1950: 2.556 billions

Global rank: #98508

Email: updating

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Politicians Don Beyer profile

Who is Politicians Don Beyer?
Democratic politician who served as Deputy Governor of Virginia from 1990 to 1998. In 2014, he launched a campaign for the eighth Virginia district seat in the United States House of Representatives.
He served under the administration of President Barack Obama as United States Ambassador to Switzerland and Liechtenstein.

Young / Before famous

In 1972, he earned an honors degree in economics from Williams College. He became a Virginia-based auto manager as well as a politician.

Family life info

He was born in Italy to an American military family, and he spent most of his childhood in Washington, D. C.

Close relationship

Boy (girl) friend/ wife (husband)/ darling Politicians Don Beyer là ai?
During his first term as Deputy Governor of Virginia, he served under the state's first African-American governor, Douglas Wilder.

Body measurements of

How tall is Politicians Don Beyer? What Don Beyer's weight?
Height: updating
Weight: updating
Measurements: updating

Summary of Don Beyer profile

When was Politicians Don Beyer born?
Don Beyer birthday 20-6-1950 (at the age of 74).
Where is Politicians Don Beyer's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Don Beyer was born in Italy. Là Politicians, whose Zodiac is Gemini, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Tiger. Don Beyer's global rank is 98508 and whose rank is 2572 in list of famous Politicians. Population of the world in 1950 is about 2.556 billions persons.
Celebrities born in:

Events in 1950 and 20-6

Events in the world in the birth year of Don Beyer

  • Korean War begins when North Korean Communist forces invade South Korea.
  • Sino-Soviet friendship treaty signed.
  • Communist Chinese forces invade Tibet.
  • British atomic physicist Klaus Fuchs is convicted of spying for the Soviet Union. Background: The Cold War

Birthday Don Beyer (20-6) in history

  • Day 20-6 year 1756: British soldiers were forced into Fort William, Calcutta, measuring just 4.5m x 5.5m. It is known as "Calcutta's Black Hole."
  • Day 20-6 year 1782: The Great Seal of the United States was adopted.
  • Day 20-6 year 1819: The 320-ton Savannah became the first steamship to cross the Atlantic.
  • Day 20-6 year 1837: Queen Victoria ascended the British throne.
  • Day 20-6 year 1863: West Virginia became the 35th state in the United States.
  • Day 20-6 year 1893: Lizzie Borden, accused of murdering her parents, was found innocent by a jury in New Bedford, Mass.
  • Day 20-6 year 1967: Muhammad Ali was convicted of violating Selective Service laws by refusing to be drafted.
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Other famous Politicians

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Note about Politicians Don Beyer

Don Beyer infomation and profile updated by nguoinoitieng.tv.