Politicians Kent Conrad

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Kent Conrad

Living place: North Dakota

Birthday: 12-3-1948 (76 years old)

Population of US 1948: 146,631,302

Global rank: #83822

Email: updating

Phone number: updating

Politicians Kent Conrad profile

Who is Politicians Kent Conrad?
Politician and Democrat who was a United States Senator from North Dakota from 1987 to 2013. He served as Chairman of the Senate Committee on the Budget several times.
He was famous in the Senate for using charts as visual aids when speaking on the floor, and this earned him the nickname "The Godfather of Charts."

Young / Before famous

He graduated from Phillips Exeter Institute before attending college at Stanford.

Family life info

He has a daughter with his first wife Pam.

Close relationship

Who is Boy (girl) friend/ wife (husband)/ darling Politicians Kent Conrad?
He loudly criticized the policies of George W. Bush.

Body measurements of

How tall is Politicians Kent Conrad? What Kent Conrad's weight?
Height: updating
Weight: updating
Measurements: updating

Summary of Kent Conrad profile

When was Politicians Kent Conrad born?
Kent Conrad birthday 12-3-1948 (at the age of 76).
Where is Politicians Kent Conrad's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Kent Conrad was born in North Dakota, . is a Politicians, whose Zodiac is Pisces, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Rat. Kent Conrad's global rank is 83822 and whose rank is 1955 in list of famous Politicians. Population of US in 1948 is about 146,631,302 persons.
Celebrities born in:

Events in 1948 and 12-3

Events in US in the birth year of Kent Conrad

  • Truman ends racial segregation in the U.S. military.
  • Margaret Sanger founds the International Planned Parenthood Federation.
  • Alfred Kinsey publishes Sexual Behavior in the Human Male.

Birthday Kent Conrad (12-3) in history

  • Day 12-3 year 1912: Juliette Gordon Low founded the Girl Scouts.
  • Day 12-3 year 1930: Mohandas Gandhi began his 200-mile march to protest the British salt tax.
  • Day 12-3 year 1933: President Franklin D. Roosevelt gave the first of his nation-wide "fireside chats" on radio.
  • Day 12-3 year 1938: "Anschluss" took place when Hitler incorporated his homeland of Austria into the Third Reich.
  • Day 12-3 year 1947: President Truman established the "Truman Doctrine" to aid in the containment of Communism.
  • Day 12-3 year 1993: Janet Reno was sworn in as the first female attorney general of the United States.
  • Day 12-3 year 1994: The Church of England ordained women priests for the first time in 460 years.
  • Day 12-3 year 2002: The color-coded terror alert system was unveiled by Homeland Security chief Tom Ridge.
  • Day 12-3 year 2003: The prime minister of the Serbian state (of Serbia and Montenegro), Zoran Djindjic, was assassinated.
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Other famous Politicians

Famous people born in 12-3-1948

Note about Politicians Kent Conrad

Kent Conrad infomation and profile updated by nguoinoitieng.tv.