Pop - Singer Toni Romiti

Toni Romiti

Living place: Chicago

Birthday: 24-3-1995 (29 years old)

Population of US 1995: 262,764,948

Global rank: #6893

Email: updating

Phone number: updating

Pop - Singer Toni Romiti profile

Who is Pop - Singer Toni Romiti?
Lyricist, passionate and vocalist whose music is often a reflection of appearances from his past and present. fans are part of what is known as Romiti Gang.
She released a music video for her single "Nothin On Me" in 2013.

Young / Before famous

She was a gifted basketball player in high school and was offered the opportunity to play college D1 ball at South Carolina Upstate.

Family life info

She was born in Chicago and later resided in Greenville, South Carolina. She found inspiration to make music from her late father Mark Anthony Romiti. She has a younger sister named Tina. She regularly posts Instagram photos of her nephew Aiden.

Close relationship

Boy (girl) friend/ wife (husband)/ darling Pop - Singer Toni Romiti là ai?
She posted a video of herself singing "The Truth" by India Arie.

Body measurements of

How tall is Pop - Singer Toni Romiti? What Toni Romiti's weight?
Height: updating
Weight: updating
Measurements: updating

Summary of Toni Romiti profile

When was Pop - Singer Toni Romiti born?
Toni Romiti birthday 24-3-1995 (at the age of 29).
Where is Pop - Singer Toni Romiti's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Toni Romiti was born in Chicago, Illinois- United States. Là Pop - Singer, whose Zodiac is Aries, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Pig. Toni Romiti's global rank is 6893 and whose rank is 226 in list of famous Pop - Singer. Population of US in 1995 is about 262,764,948 persons.
Celebrities born in:

Events in 1995 and 24-3

Events in US in the birth year of Toni Romiti

  • Criminal trial of O. J. Simpson opens in California (Jan. 24).
  • Scores killed as terrorist's car bomb blows up block-long Oklahoma City federal building (April 19); Timothy McVeigh, 27, arrested as suspect (April 21); authorities seek second suspect, link right-wing paramilitary groups to bombing (April 22).
  • Los Angeles jury finds O. J. Simpson not guilty of murder charges (Oct. 3).
  • Pope John Paul II visits US on whirlwind tour (Oct. 4-8).
  • Million Man March draws hundreds of thousands of black men to capital (Oct. 16).

Birthday Toni Romiti (24-3) in history

  • Day 24-3 year 1603: Queen Elizabeth passed away at 69 at Richmond Palace after ruling England for more than 40 years. She is buried at Westminster Abbey, London, UK
  • Day 24-3 year 1882: Robert Koch announced the discovery of the tuberculosis bacillus.
  • Day 24-3 year 1949: Laurence Olivier's Hamlet became the first British film to win an Oscar.
  • Day 24-3 year 1958: Rock 'n' roll star Elvis Presley joined the U.S. army for two years.
  • Day 24-3 year 1989: In one of worst oil spills in recent history, the tanker, Exxon Valdez, ran aground and released 240,000 barrels of oil into Prince William Sound.
  • Day 24-3 year 1999: NATO begins launching air strikes in an attempt to force Serbia to cease hostilities against ethnic Albanians in Kosovo.
  • Day 24-3 year 2002: Halle Berry became the first African-American actress to win a best actress Oscar and Denzel Washington became the second African-American actor to get the best actor award.
  • Day 24-3 year 2004: The notorious Bird family's more than half-century stronghold on the nation of Antigua and Barbuda came to an end when Baldwin Spencer won the post of prime minister in the general election.
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Note about Pop - Singer Toni Romiti

Toni Romiti infomation and profile updated by nguoinoitieng.tv.