Royal Charlene Lynette Wittstock


Charlene Lynette Wittstock

Living place: Zimbabwe

Birthday: 25-1-1978 (46 years old)

Population of the world 1978: 4.302 billions

Global rank: #55108

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Royal Charlene Lynette Wittstock profile

Who is Royal Charlene Lynette Wittstock?
Zimbabwe-born, South Africa-god of Monaco was previously an Olympic athlete.
Her German heritage resulted in a wholesome upbringing, but she chose to convert to Catholicism upon her entry to royal Monaco.

Young / Before famous

Her South African swimming team placed fifth in the women's 4 X 100 meters event of the 2000 Olympic Games in Sydney, Australia.

Family life info

Her father, Michael Kenneth Wittstock, works in sales. Her mother, Lynette Wittstock Humberstone, was a competitive diver.

Close relationship

Boy (girl) friend/ wife (husband)/ darling Royal Charlene Lynette Wittstock là ai?
She married Prince Albert II of Monaco in 2011.

Body measurements of

How tall is Royal Charlene Lynette Wittstock? What Charlene Lynette Wittstock's weight?
Height: updating
Weight: updating
Measurements: updating

Summary of Charlene Lynette Wittstock profile

When was Royal Charlene Lynette Wittstock born?
Charlene Lynette Wittstock birthday 25-1-1978 (at the age of 46).
Where is Royal Charlene Lynette Wittstock's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Charlene Lynette Wittstock was born in . Là Royal, whose Zodiac is Aquarius, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Snake. Charlene Lynette Wittstock's global rank is 55108 and whose rank is 169 in list of famous Royal. Population of the world in 1978 is about 4.302 billions persons.
Celebrities born in:

Events in 1978 and 25-1

Events in the world in the birth year of Charlene Lynette Wittstock

  • Rhodesia's Prime Minister Ian D. Smith and three black leaders agree on transfer to black majority rule (Feb. 15).
  • US Senate approves Panama Canal neutrality treaty (March 16); votes treaty to turn canal over to Panama by year 2000 (April 18).
  • Former Italian Premier Aldo Moro kidnapped by left wing terrorists, who kill five bodyguards (March 16); he is found slain (May 9).
  • Pope Paul VI , dead at 80, mourned (Aug. 6); new Pope, John Paul I, 65, dies unexpectedly after 34 days in office (Sept. 28); succeeded by Karol Cardinal Wojtyla of Poland as John Paul II (Oct. 16).
  • "Framework for Peace" in Middle East signed by Egypt's President Anwar Sadat and Israeli Premier Menachem Begin after 13-day conference at Camp David led by President Jimmy Carter (Sept. 17).
  • Jim Jones's followers commit mass suicide in Jonestown, Guyana (Nov. 18).

Birthday Charlene Lynette Wittstock (25-1) in history

  • Day 25-1 year 1890: Nellie Bly bested Jules Verne's Around the World in 80 Days by completing her circumnavigation in 72 days.
  • Day 25-1 year 1915: Alexander Graham Bell inaugurated transcontinental telephone service.
  • Day 25-1 year 1924: The first Winter Olympic games opened at Chamonix, France.
  • Day 25-1 year 1961: President John F. Kennedy held the first presidential news conference carried live on radio and television.
  • Day 25-1 year 1971: Charles Manson was found guilty of murdering Sharon Tate and six others.
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Note about Royal Charlene Lynette Wittstock

Charlene Lynette Wittstock infomation and profile updated by