Streamer Trang Navy

Image of Trang Navy #

Trang Navy

Living place: Ha Noi

Birthday: 20-1-2002 (22 years old)

Population of Vietnam 2002: 79,54 millions

Global rank: #83549


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Streamer Trang Navy profile

Who is Streamer Trang Navy?
Streamer Trang Navy's real name is Do Le Kieu Trang. Trang Navy is currently known to everyone as a potential Live Creator with ID: trangnavy. 2008, regularly appearing in the top 20 daily rankings, always on top of large and small tournaments and events organized by TikTok Live Vietnam.
It is known that Trang Navy was born into a wealthy family and was the youngest child in the family, so her parents and brother loved her very much. Although life is quite full, she has practiced a healthy and independent lifestyle since childhood.
Trang Navy graduated from the University of Home Affairs - Faculty of State Management. She is an energetic and enthusiastic student who always participated in activities organized by the school while she was a student studying at the school. After graduating, she worked at the Internal Affairs Department of Thach Nhat district - Hanoi with a basic salary of 3.5 million VND.
As an extrovert, I always want to develop myself and be known by many people. In 2022, Trang Navy became known to the TikTok community as a content creator. Her personal page attracted thousands of followers and video views through hot trending Cover clips.
Navy page learned that Idol Live TikTok is also a job that can bring unlimited income but also allows you to freely create content and express your passion. After a period of research, she decided to join Idol Live at Kols Media Company Limited - TikTok Live Vietnam's partner to receive many benefits and support from a 24/7 professional management team.
At first, Trang Navy's sudden change from a state office employee via Livestream TikTok caused her father to object many times. But because Idol Live is a healthy job, you have freedom of time and you can indulge your passion. She proved to her father and family that the Idol Live job is not as bad as rumored: Trang Navy single-handedly earned about 20 million in the first month of Live TikTok, and in the following months she was able to control her own time. Live, create your own life and own a small fashion shop. In addition, she also receives more and more support and love from her Users and viewers. Trang Navy is a prominent face on the TikTok Live platform, regularly appearing in the top 20 daily rankings, always participating in professional tournaments and events organized by Kols Media Company in collaboration with TikTok.
In real life, Trang Navy is a beautiful girl, approachable, sociable and easy to sympathize with people. Even though she comes from a wealthy family, she is always filial and spends time taking care of her parents with the money she makes. Few people know that Trang Navy is a person who loves volunteer activities. She always wants to contribute and create more value for the TikTok community as well as in real life in the future.

Close relationship

Who is Boy friend/ husband/ darling Streamer Trang Navy?

Body measurements of

How tall is Streamer Trang Navy? What Trang Navy's weight?
Height: updating
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Measurements: updating

Summary of Trang Navy profile

When was Streamer Trang Navy born?
Trang Navy birthday 20-1-2002 (at the age of 22).
Where is Streamer Trang Navy's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Trang Navy was born in Ha Noi, of Vietnam. Ms, whose Zodiac is Aquarius, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Snake. Trang Navy's global rank is 83549 and whose rank is 433 in list of famous Streamer. Population of Vietnam in 2002 is about 79,54 millions persons.
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Photos/ Images

Chân dung streamer Trang Navy
Chân dung streamer Trang Navy
Trang Navy sở hữu ngoại hình vô cùng xinh đẹp
Trang Navy sở hữu ngoại hình vô cùng xinh đẹp
Trang Navy hiện tại được mọi người biết đến với vai trò là một Live Creator tiềm năng
Trang Navy hiện tại được mọi người biết đến với vai trò là một Live Creator tiềm năng
Ngoài đời Trang Navy là một cô nàng xinh đẹp dễ gần tính tình hòa đồng
Ngoài đời Trang Navy là một cô nàng xinh đẹp dễ gần tính tình hòa đồng

Trang Navy ranking


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Events in 2002 and 20-1

Events in the world in the birth year of Trang Navy

  • Former Yugoslav leader Slobodan Milosevic’s trial on charges of crimes against humanity opens at The Hague (Feb. 12).
  • Tamil Tigers and Sri Lankan government sign a cease-fire agreement, ending 19 years of civil war (Feb. 22). Background: World in Review
  • India's worst Hindu-Muslim violence in a decade rocked the state of Gujarat after a Muslim mob fire-bombed a train, killing Hindu activists. Hindus retaliated, and more than 1,000 died in the bloodshed (Feb. 27 et seq.). Background: World in Review
  • U.S. and Afghan troops launch Operation Anaconda against remaining al-Qaeda and Taliban fighters in Afghanistan (March 2). Background: Taliban Timeline and Afghanistan
  • Israeli tanks and warplanes attack West Bank towns of Nablus, Jenin, Bethlehem, and others in response to string of Palestinian suicide attacks (March 29–April 21). In the first three months of 2002, 14 suicide bombers kill dozens of Israeli civilians, and wounded hundreds. Background: World in Review
  • International Criminal Court wins UN ratification; U.S. refuses to ratify (April 11).
  • Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez ousted in coup, then reinstated (April 12, 14).
  • U.S. and Russia reach landmark arms agreement to cut both countries' nuclear arsenals by up to two-thirds over the next 10 years (May 13).
  • East Timor becomes a new nation (May 20).
  • Terrorist bomb in Bali kills hundreds (Oct. 12).
  • Government suspended in Northern Ireland in protest of suspected IRA spy ring (Oct. 14).
  • North Korea admits to developing nuclear arms in defiance of treaty (Oct. 16).
  • Chechen rebels take 763 hostages in Moscow theater (Oct. 23). Russian authorities release a gas into theater, killing 116 hostages and freeing remainder (Oct. 26). Background: Chechnya Timeline
  • China's Jiang Zemin officially retires as general secretary; Hu Jintao named as his successor (Nov. 14).
  • UN Security Council passes unanimous resolution calling on Iraq to disarm or else face "serious consequences." (Nov. 8).
  • UN arms inspectors return to Iraq (Nov. 18).

Birthday Trang Navy (20-1) in history

  • Day 20-1 year 1801: John Marshall was appointed Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court
  • Day 20-1 year 1841: As a result of the First Opium War, Hong Kong was ceded to the British.
  • Day 20-1 year 1942: The Nazis formulated their "Final Solution" regarding the Jews at the Wannsee Conference.
  • Day 20-1 year 1964: The Beatles released their first album in the United States, Meet the Beatles.
  • Day 20-1 year 1981: President Reagan became the oldest president to take office (69 years and 349 days).
  • Day 20-1 year 1986: Martin Luther King, Jr., day was celebrated as a federal holiday for the first time.
  • Day 20-1 year 2009: Hundreds of thousands of people watched in front of the Capitol as President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden are sworn into office. Obama makes history as the first African-American U.S. president.
  • Day 20-1 year 2012: Singer Etta James died less than a week before her 74th birthday.
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Note about Streamer Trang Navy

Trang Navy infomation and profile updated by