Teacher Bach Van Kieu (Thay Kieu Vat Li)

Bach Van Kieu (Thay Kieu Vat Li)

Living place: Ha Noi

Birthday: 12-1-1982 (42 years old)

Population of Vietnam 1982: 55,69 millions

Global rank: #4092

Facebook: facebook.com/Vatlythaykieu/

Email: bvkieu.quocgia@gmail.com

Phone number: 0905 059 717

Teacher Bach Van Kieu (Thay Kieu Vat Li) profile

Who is Teacher Bach Van Kieu (Thay Kieu Vat Li)?
Bach Van Kieu (Physics Teacher Kieu) is a good teacher, with both heart and vision. Mr. Kieu graduated from the University of Education - Da Nang University, and has 20 years of experience teaching and preparing for exams in Physics. He has helped many students get into top universities, many students scored 9+, including 10 points in Physics. Many of his students received high scores and applied for scholarships to study abroad in many countries around the world. His annual University passing rate is always over 90%. In particular, his student Ho Thi Nhu Y was valedictorian at Da Nang University of Economics in 2019, another student was salutatorian at Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology in 2015. Besides, many of his students achieved Second prize, 3rd prize, Consolation prize in the contest for excellent students Da Nang city.
Mr. Kieu's educational philosophy is "Learning to change lives". He focuses on comprehensive education "Knowledge - Skills - Attitude".
With the criteria "Study for sure - Be sure to excel. Study for sure - Be sure to pass" Mr. Kieu has helped thousands of students pass the exam. Overcome the fear of Physics, get high scores in exams. Mr. Kieu's lectures are always concise, easy to understand, and closely follow the curriculum and exam. Not only does he teach directly, he also has many online teaching videos. Teacher Kieu Physics fanpage currently has more than 150,000 followers. He has posted many good Physics lecture videos, and math problems often appear in tests and exams. Besides, the teacher also enthusiastically answers all students' questions. He is a person who inspires and energizes many generations of students. He has aroused passion and helped students love Physics.
Teacher Kieu is the founder of the National Test Preparation Center in 2016. After 18 years of establishment and development, his Center is a prestigious educational facility that has trained many successful students. With a team of highly qualified and dedicated teachers, the rate of students passing 10th grade is always over 97%, and the rate of students passing university is always over 90%. In addition to teaching knowledge, students are also trained in soft skills for more comprehensive development.

Family life info

Teacher Kieu is married and has 2 children (1 daughter, 1 son).

Close relationship

Who is Girl friend/ wife/ darling Teacher Bach Van Kieu (Thay Kieu Vat Li)?

Body measurements of

How tall is Teacher Bach Van Kieu (Thay Kieu Vat Li)? What Bach Van Kieu (Thay Kieu Vat Li)'s weight?
Height: updating
Weight: updating
Measurements: updating

Summary of Bach Van Kieu (Thay Kieu Vat Li) profile

When was Teacher Bach Van Kieu (Thay Kieu Vat Li) born?
Bach Van Kieu (Thay Kieu Vat Li) birthday 12-1-1982 (at the age of 42).
Where is Teacher Bach Van Kieu (Thay Kieu Vat Li)'s birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Bach Van Kieu (Thay Kieu Vat Li) was born in Da Nang, of Vietnam. Mr working and living in Ha Noi, of Vietnam. Mr, whose Zodiac is Capricorn, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Rooster. Bach Van Kieu (Thay Kieu Vat Li)'s global rank is 4092 and whose rank is 42 in list of famous Teacher. Population of Vietnam in 1982 is about 55,69 millions persons.
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Photos/ Images

Teacher Bach Van Kieu (Physics Teacher) has both heart and vision
Teacher Bach Van Kieu (Physics Teacher) has both heart and vision
Teacher Bach Van Kieu (Physics Teacher) passed on the fire to many generations of students
Teacher Bach Van Kieu (Physics Teacher) passed on the fire to many generations of students
Teacher Bach Van Kieu (Physics Teacher) became a success. Established National Test Preparation Center
Teacher Bach Van Kieu (Physics Teacher) became a success. Established National Test Preparation Center

Bach Van Kieu (Thay Kieu Vat Li) ranking


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Events in 1982 and 12-1

Events in the world in the birth year of Bach Van Kieu (Thay Kieu Vat Li)

  • British overcome Argentina in Falklands war (April 2-June 15).
  • Israel invades Lebanon in attack on PLO. (June 4). Background: Arab-Israeli Wars
  • Princess Grace, 52, dies of injuries when car plunges off mountain road; daughter Stephanie, 17, suffers serious injuries (Sept. 14).
  • Lebanese Christian Phalangists kill hundreds of people in two Palestinian refugee camps in West Beirut (Sept. 15).
  • Leonid I. Brezhnev, Soviet leader, dies at 75 (Nov. 10). Yuri V. Andropov, 68, chosen as successor (Nov. 15). Background: Rulers of Russia since 1533

Birthday Bach Van Kieu (Thay Kieu Vat Li) (12-1) in history

  • Day 12-1 year 1773: The first public museum in the United States was established in Charleston, South Carolina
  • Day 12-1 year 1896: H. L. Smith took the first X-ray photograph. It was a hand with a bullet in it.
  • Day 12-1 year 1915: The U.S. House of Representatives rejected a proposal to give women the right to vote.
  • Day 12-1 year 1932: Hattie W. Caraway, a democrat from Arkansas became the first woman to be elected to the U.S. Senate.
  • Day 12-1 year 1964: One month after Zanzibar became independent, the ruling Zanzibar Nationalist Party was overthrown in a violent coup.
  • Day 12-1 year 1991: A divided Congress gave President Bush the go-ahead on the Persian Gulf War.
  • Day 12-1 year 1998: Nineteen European countries signed an agreement banning human cloning.
  • Day 12-1 year 2010: Haiti is dealt a catastrophic blow when a magnitude 7.0 earthquake strikes 10 miles southwest of Port-au-Prince, the country's capital. It is the region's worst earthquake in 200 years. The number of fatalities were between 46,000 and 85,000 people.
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Note about Teacher Bach Van Kieu (Thay Kieu Vat Li)

Bach Van Kieu (Thay Kieu Vat Li) infomation and profile updated by nguoinoitieng.tv.