Tiktok Chanel Gia Dinh Zo Zo

Gia Dinh Zo Zo

Working place: Ha Noi

Founding day: ?-?-2023 (1 years old)

Global rank: #3027

Facebook: facebook.com/giadinhzozo/

Email: giadinhzozo.booking@gmail.com

Phone number: updating

Tiktok Chanel Gia Dinh Zo Zo profile

Who is Tiktok Chanel Gia Dinh Zo Zo?
Zo Zo's family is a famous TikTok channel that records Mr. Truong Trung Nam's interesting fatherhood journey and the best things the family has for baby Zo Zo. The channel was created when baby Zo Zo was born. Thanks to the adorableness of the whole family, the TikTok channel has been loved by everyone since the first days. At one point, the number of channel followers tripled from 70,000 to more than 200,000 in 2 months. Currently, @giadinhzozo channel has more than 330,000 followers and more than 10 million likes. Zo Zo's family's videos attract millions of views and positive feedback from the audience.
Not only is he behind a series of million-view clips on TikTok, Mr. Truong Trung Nam is also an extremely thoughtful father who loves his wife and children. He made the sisters "drunk" with his gentleness and thoughtfulness when taking care of his family and baby Zo Zo. He takes care of the children very well and is very thoughtful, willing to take care of the children while his wife goes out to meet friends.
The clips of Zo Zo's family are extremely natural, with no script or pre-rehearsed dialogue. The stories of Zo Zo's family bring the most close and natural feeling. Baby Zo Zo's growing up journey brings positive energy and "Happy Vitamins" to many people.
Beloved by the audience, Zo Zo's family has the opportunity to cooperate with many brands. small row. Having to stay up early at night to take care of their children and meet deadlines, Zo Zo's parents still try their best. Many vid bookings on the family's channel reach millions of views, videos in collaboration with CellphoneS reach more than 10M views. Not only that, the livestream sessions of Zo Zo's family also attract a large audience because they sell quality goods.
In 2023, Zo Zo's family participates in the KOC Vietnam program. The program is both a challenge and an opportunity for Zo Zo's parents to practice their own skills. During the casting session in Hanoi, Zo Zo's family caused a lot of emotion for the judges. The audience expects Zo Zo's family to transform when participating in KOC season 2.

Close relationship

Who is Boy (girl) friend/ wife (husband)/ darling members Tiktok Chanel Gia Dinh Zo Zo?
Baby Zo Zo's parents (Truong Trung Nam and Kieu Quynh Anh) got married on July 14, 2022. Baby Zo Zo was born on January 15, 2023. With the dedicated care of her family, baby Zo Zo becomes even more adorable as she grows older. The online community is full of praise for the way her parents raise their children.

Body measurements of members

How tall is Tiktok Chanel Gia Dinh Zo Zo? What Gia Dinh Zo Zo's weight?
Height: updating
Weight: updating
Measurements: updating

Summary of Gia Dinh Zo Zo profile

When was Tiktok Chanel Gia Dinh Zo Zo born?
Gia Dinh Zo Zo founding day ?-?-2023 (at the age of 1).
Where is Tiktok Chanel Gia Dinh Zo Zo's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Gia Dinh Zo Zo was born in Ha Noi, of Vietnam. is a Tiktok Chanel, whose Zodiac is (don't know), and who Chinese Zodiac is The Cat. Gia Dinh Zo Zo's global rank is 3027 and whose rank is 27 in list of famous Tiktok Chanel.
Celebrities born in:

Photos/ Images

Zo Zo Family TikTok channel records Mr. Truong Trung Nam's interesting journey to becoming a father
Zo Zo Family TikTok channel records Mr. Truong Trung Nam's interesting journey to becoming a father
Zo Zo Family TikTok channel brings a lot of joy to the audience
Zo Zo Family TikTok channel brings a lot of joy to the audience
Zo Zo Family TikTok channel was created when the baby was born
Zo Zo Family TikTok channel was created when the baby was born

Gia Dinh Zo Zo ranking


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Note about Tiktok Chanel Gia Dinh Zo Zo

Gia Dinh Zo Zo infomation and profile updated by nguoinoitieng.tv.