Vine star Denzel Harris

Denzel Harris

Living place: The Bronx

Birthday: 20-7-1995 (29 years old)

Population of US 1995: 262,764,948

Global rank: #9970

Email: updating

Phone number: updating

Vine star Denzel Harris profile

Who is Vine star Denzel Harris?
Vine video phenomenon called Meechie who started making Vines at gas stations, hitting each jump from Harlem shake to Chicago bop.
He is known for his goofy persona in his videos on his Vine account SheLovesMeechie.

Young / Before famous

He is a dancer who uses YouTube to upload videos of himself dancing to popular songs.

Family life info

He was born in the Bronx, New York.

Close relationship

Who is Boy (girl) friend/ wife (husband)/ darling Vine star Denzel Harris?
He and Live Like Davis are both famous Vine stars from New York.

Body measurements of

How tall is Vine star Denzel Harris? What Denzel Harris's weight?
Height: updating
Weight: updating
Measurements: updating

Summary of Denzel Harris profile

When was Vine star Denzel Harris born?
Denzel Harris birthday 20-7-1995 (at the age of 29).
Where is Vine star Denzel Harris's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Denzel Harris was born in The Bronx, New York- United States. is a Vine star, whose Zodiac is Cancer, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Pig. Denzel Harris's global rank is 9970 and whose rank is 213 in list of famous Vine star. Population of US in 1995 is about 262,764,948 persons.
Celebrities born in:

Events in 1995 and 20-7

Events in US in the birth year of Denzel Harris

  • Criminal trial of O. J. Simpson opens in California (Jan. 24).
  • Scores killed as terrorist's car bomb blows up block-long Oklahoma City federal building (April 19); Timothy McVeigh, 27, arrested as suspect (April 21); authorities seek second suspect, link right-wing paramilitary groups to bombing (April 22).
  • Los Angeles jury finds O. J. Simpson not guilty of murder charges (Oct. 3).
  • Pope John Paul II visits US on whirlwind tour (Oct. 4-8).
  • Million Man March draws hundreds of thousands of black men to capital (Oct. 16).

Birthday Denzel Harris (20-7) in history

  • Day 20-7 year 1810: Colombia declared its independence from Spanish domination.
  • Day 20-7 year 1881: Fugitive Sioux Indian leader Sitting Bull surrendered to federal troops.
  • Day 20-7 year 1951: King Abdullah I of Jordan was assassinated.
  • Day 20-7 year 1960: Sirima Bandaranaike of Sri Lanka (then Ceylon) became the world's first woman prime minister.
  • Day 20-7 year 1969: Astronaut Neil A. Armstrong was the first man to walk on the Moon.
  • Day 20-7 year 1985: Treasure hunters found the Spanish galleon Nuestra Senora de Atocha, which sank off the coast of Key West, Fla., in 1622 during a hurricane. The ship contained over $400 million in coins and silver ingots.
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Note about Vine star Denzel Harris

Denzel Harris infomation and profile updated by