Youtube star Eva Gutowski

Eva Gutowski

Living place: California

Birthday: 29-7-1994 (30 years old)

Population of the world 1994: 5.602 billions

Global rank: #504



Phone number: updating

Youtube star Eva Gutowski profile

Who is Youtube star Eva Gutowski?
The YouTube sensation is known for her channel Mylifeaseva where she posts videos about all things beauty-related. She has accumulated more than 6 million subscribers.
She has worked as a cashier at a mom-and-pop pizza shop and studied journalism out of college.
She worked as a cashier for a while. She has an extra YouTube channel called Vlogtowski. She also has a popular TikTok account with the username mylifeaseva, where she mainly posts lip-syncing videos to over 7 million fans.

Young / Before famous

Growing up, she dreamed of becoming an actress or maybe a psychiatrist. But, as she got older, she knew she wanted to be an entertainment host and reporter.

Family life info

She was born in Orange County and had a younger sister named Maya.

Close relationship

Who is Boy friend/ husband/ darling Youtube star Eva Gutowski?
In 2020, she started dating Olav Stubberud.
She was in a relationship with Brent Rivera in 2019.
She dated Adam Bartoshesky from 2016 to 2018.
She was also previously dated Andrew Kingsbury and Alex Hayes.

Body measurements of

How tall is Youtube star Eva Gutowski? What Eva Gutowski's weight?
Height: 1.69cm
Weight: 57Kg

Summary of Eva Gutowski profile

When was Youtube star Eva Gutowski born?
Eva Gutowski birthday 29-7-1994 (at the age of 30).
Where is Youtube star Eva Gutowski's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Eva Gutowski was born in California, of United States. Ms, whose Zodiac is Leo, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Dog. Eva Gutowski's global rank is 504 and whose rank is 5 in list of famous Youtube star. Population of the world in 1994 is about 5.602 billions persons.
Celebrities born in:

Photos/ Images

YouTube star Eva Gutowski image
YouTube star Eva Gutowski image
Hot photo of Hot girl Eva Gutowski- Famous YouTube star California
Hot photo of Hot girl Eva Gutowski- Famous YouTube star California
YouTube star Eva Gutowski wearing hot bikini
YouTube star Eva Gutowski wearing hot bikini
beautiful Eva Gutowski
beautiful Eva Gutowski
Eva Gutowski in white dress
Eva Gutowski in white dress
California famous YouTube star mischievous
California famous YouTube star mischievous

Eva Gutowski ranking


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Events in 1994 and 29-7

Events in the world in the birth year of Eva Gutowski

  • Serbs' heavy weapons pound Sarajevo (Jan. 5-6).
  • Thousands dead in Rwanda massacre (April 6).
  • South Africa holds first interracial national election (April 29); Nelson Mandela elected President.
  • Israel signs accord with Palestinians (May 4), peace treaty with Jordan (Oct. 17).
  • IRA declares cease-fire in Northern Ireland (Aug. 31). Ulster Protestants declare cease-fire (Oct. 13).
  • Aristide returns to Haiti (Oct. 4), forms Government with Prime Minister and full Cabinet (Nov. 9).
  • US sends forces to Persian Gulf (Oct. 7).
  • Russians attack secessionist Republic of Chechnya (Dec. 11 et seq.).

Birthday Eva Gutowski (29-7) in history

  • Day 29-7 year 1890: Artist Vincent van Gogh died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound in Auvers, France.
  • Day 29-7 year 1958: President Eisenhower signed the congressional act that created the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) was authorized by Congress.
  • Day 29-7 year 1968: In Humanae Vitae (of Human Life), Pope Paul VI reaffirmed the Catholic Church's prohibition on artificial methods of birth control.
  • Day 29-7 year 1981: Prince Charles, heir to the British throne, married Lady Diana Spencer.
  • Day 29-7 year 2003: Red sox switch hitter Bill Mueller became the first baseball player to hit grand slam home runs from both sides of the plate in the same game.
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Note about Youtube star Eva Gutowski

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