Youtuber Duc Svm

Duc Svm

Living place: Ha Noi

Birthday: 12-9-1992 (32 years old)

Population of Vietnam 1992: 68,45 millions

Global rank: #296



Phone number: updating

Youtuber Duc Svm profile

Who is Youtuber Duc Svm?
Duc SVM also known as Duc Professor whose real name is Hoang Van Duc is a famous Youtuber. He is the owner of a Youtube channel called Duc SVM, which currently has 799 thousand subscribers. Duc SVM also owns a Fanpage with more than 200,000 followers. It is known that he graduated from the University of Science and Technology and is the founder of the SVN TV channel.
Germany SVM is often called by the online community the name Duc Chairman because this 9X guy specializes in playing the role of president. common elephant. From the beginning of 2019 until now, the SVM group has suddenly emerged like alcohol on social networks and there have been many mockups from this group's photos. SVM clips are often found on the trending tab of Vietnam's Youtube. The group's Youtube channel has also attracted nearly 2 million subscribers.
Duc SVM graduated from Hanoi University of Science and Technology. However, he did not follow the traditional industries. Because, he has witnessed close friends being looked down on and found that looking down on others is also quite common in this society. In particular, the people who are often looked down upon are from the provinces, are poor, and do not have a good job. Therefore, he turned to the path of making Youtube and was fortunate to be supported by the audience.
Success comes from doing Youtube, especially the video series "Poverty President and the End", Duc SVM rewarded me with a Mercedes-Benz C200 Exclusive car worth 1,709 billion VND to meet my travel needs and filmmaking. It is known that the Mercedes-Benz C200 Exclusive car that Germany bought is a mid-range version of the new C-Class. This car owns MULTIBEAM smart lights with a record-breaking distance like the most advanced C300 AMG.

Close relationship

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Body measurements of

How tall is Youtuber Duc Svm? What Duc Svm's weight?
Height: updating
Weight: updating
Measurements: updating

Summary of Duc Svm profile

When was Youtuber Duc Svm born?
Duc Svm birthday 12-9-1992 (at the age of 32).
Where is Youtuber Duc Svm's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Duc Svm was born in Thanh Hoa, of Vietnam. Mr working and living in Ha Noi, of Vietnam. Mr, whose Zodiac is Virgo, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Monkey. Duc Svm's global rank is 296 and whose rank is 10 in list of famous Youtuber. Population of Vietnam in 1992 is about 68,45 millions persons.
Special event in 12-9-1992: Dr. Mae Carol Jemison became the first black woman in space aboard the Space Shuttle Endeavour .
Celebrities born in:

Photos/ Images

Portrait of German Youtuber Svm
Portrait of German Youtuber Svm
New picture of German Youtuber Svm
New picture of German Youtuber Svm
Duc Svm is the leader of SVM group
Duc Svm is the leader of SVM group
Image of German Youtuber Svm in the driver's side
Image of German Youtuber Svm in the driver's side
Latest photo of German Youtuber Svm
Latest photo of German Youtuber Svm

Duc Svm ranking


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