All chess player Lai Ly Huynh

Lai Ly Huynh

Living place: Vinh Long

Birthday: 16-5-1990 (34 years old)

Population of Vietnam 1990: 66,02 millions

Global rank: #65772


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All chess player Lai Ly Huynh profile

Who is All chess player Lai Ly Huynh?
Lai Ly Huynh is a familiar face to those who love Chinese chess. He has excelled in registering at national tournaments. And recently, he became the defending champion at the World Rapid Chess Championship 2023. He is also the chess player who has held the title of national champion or runner-up for 9 years, since from 2013 to 2021. Therefore, Danh is considered the number one player in the history of Chinese chess Modern Vietnam.
At the world chess tournament, Ly Huynh is always one of the key players of the Vietnamese chess team. In the team event, he and Nguyen Thanh Bao won the 2022 tournament. Also at this international tournament, he won the rapid chess event, which is an unofficial competition and does not have the participation of Chinese chess players. At the Sea Games, he was the athlete who won the 31st Sea Games Gold Medal in the team event and the 32nd Sea Games Gold Medal in the individual content. At Asiad 2023, he won a bronze medal in the individual event and a silver medal in the team event.
Recently, at the world championship rapid chess final, chess player Lai Ly Huynh won defeated Chinese player Manh Than. Ly Huynh won 6 wins and 3 draws, ending the match with a score of 15. He was 2 points ahead of the person in second place. The player Vinh Long has successfully defended the world rapid chess championship. At the first time held last year, Ly Huynh also overcame many strong opponents to win the Gold Medal. This year's tournament has about 70 players regardless of gender and age participating. They come from many different countries such as: China, Canada, England,...
  • Winner of the 2017 Sichuan Aviation double chess tournament (with Gia Ham)
  • Gold medal of the 31st Sea Games rapid chess team event
  • Sea Games 32 gold medal in standard flag individual content.
  • Asiad 2023 bronze medal in individual content
  • Asiad 2023 bronze medal in individual content
  • Asiad 2023 bronze medal in individual content i>
  • Asiad 2023 silver medal in team content
  • National youth individual champion: 2003 (U13), 2004 ( U15), 2005 (U15), 2006 (2nd place U18), 2007 (U18), 2008 (U18)
  • Silver medal of Asian Individual Youth Chess Championship: 2008
  • Winner of the International Star Award - The Reed hotel cup - Ninh Binh 2015
  • Winner of the PTSC Marine Chess Championship 2015, 2017, 2013 (2nd place), 2014 (3rd place)
  • Winner of Tang Nguyen Giai Cup 2012, 2014, 2017, 2020, 2019 (2nd place), 2018 (3rd place)
  • Silver medal of the Sports Festival Asia Indoor: 2009
  • Individual gold medal World Championships 2022: rapid chess event
  • 2022 World Championships gold medal: team event
  • World Team Championships silver medal: 2009 [15],2014
  • Bronze medal World Team Championship: 2015, 2019
  • World Individual Championship: 2009 (7th place) , 2015 (5th place), 2019 (4th place), 2022 (4th place)
  • Asian Individual Awards: 2013 (6th place), 2019 (10th place)
  • Silver medal of the Asian Team Championship: 2010, 2014, 2016
  • Vietnam Chess Championship: 2013, 2014, 2016, 2018, 2021
  • Vietnamese chess runner-up: 2015, 2017, 2019, 2020, 2023
  • Vietnam Rapid Chess Champion: 2016, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023
  • Vietnam Rapid Chess Champion: 2017, 2018, 2019
  • Champion of the National Strong Player Tournament: 2018
  • Runner-up of the National Strong Player Tournament: 2008, 2009
  • Individual silver medal at the National Sports Festival: 2014
  • Cup of famous players Phuong Trang: 2009 (5th place), 2010 (3rd place), 2016 (2nd place)
  • World Brain Games: 2016 (4th place)
  • Asiad: 2010 (5th place)
  • Champion of Duong Quan Lan Boi 2016 (overseas group)
  • Champion of Bao Bao Boi 2017, 2018 (overseas group)
  • Han Tin Boi 2010 (5th place), 2013 (7th place), 2016 (2nd place), 2018 (tied for 5th place)
  • Shanghai Gia Dinh Boi: Runner-up 2019
  • Champion Ta Hiep Ton Ky Vuong lum 2019 (overseas table)
  • 6th place overall armor level 2016 (Hangzhou team)

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Summary of Lai Ly Huynh profile

When was All chess player Lai Ly Huynh born?
Lai Ly Huynh birthday 16-5-1990 (at the age of 34).
Where is All chess player Lai Ly Huynh's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Lai Ly Huynh was born in Vinh Long, of Vietnam. Mr, whose Zodiac is Taurus, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Horse. Lai Ly Huynh's global rank is 65772 and whose rank is 62 in list of famous All chess player. Population of Vietnam in 1990 is about 66,02 millions persons.
Celebrities born in:

Photos/ Images

Portrait photo of chess player Lai Ly Huynh
Portrait photo of chess player Lai Ly Huynh
Image of chess player Lai Ly Huynh at a chess tournament
Image of chess player Lai Ly Huynh at a chess tournament
Image of chess player Lai Ly Huynh - who successfully defended the world rapid chess championship
Image of chess player Lai Ly Huynh - who successfully defended the world rapid chess championship
New image of the chess player Ly Huynh again
New image of the chess player Ly Huynh again

Lai Ly Huynh ranking


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Events in 1990 and 16-5

Events in the world in the birth year of Lai Ly Huynh

  • General Manuel Noriega surrenders in Panama (Jan. 3).
  • Yugoslav Communists end 45-year monopoly of power (Jan. 22).
  • Communist Party relinquish sole power in Soviet government (Feb. 7). Background: Dissolution of the USSR
  • South Africa frees Nelson Mandela, imprisoned 27½ years (Feb. 11).
  • US-Soviet summit reaches accord on armaments (June 1).
  • Western Alliance ends Cold War and proposes joint action with Soviet Union and Eastern Europe (July 6).
  • Iraqi troops invade Kuwait, setting off the Persian Gulf War (Aug. 2 et seq.). Background: The Persian Gulf War
  • East and West Germany reunited (Aug. 31 et seq.).
  • Margaret Thatcher resigns as British Prime Minister (Nov. 22); John Major succeeds her (Nov. 28).
  • Lech Walesa wins Poland's runoff Presidential election (Dec. 9).

Birthday Lai Ly Huynh (16-5) in history

  • Day 16-5 year 1770: Marie Antoinette married Louis XVI, who later became king of France.
  • Day 16-5 year 1868: The first ballot on one of 11 articles of impeachment in the U.S. Senate failed to convict President Andrew Johnson.
  • Day 16-5 year 1929: The first Academy Awards were given on this night. The term, Oscars, was not used to describe the statuettes given to actors and actresses until 1931.
  • Day 16-5 year 1946: The Irving Berlin musical, Annie Get Your Gun, opened on Broadway.
  • Day 16-5 year 1975: Japanese climber Junko Tabei became the first woman to summit Mount Everest.
  • Day 16-5 year 1991: Queen Elizabeth II became the first British monarch to address the United States Congress.
  • Day 16-5 year 1997: President Mobutu Sese Seko of Zaire ended 32 years of autocratic rule when rebel forces led by Laurent Kabila expelled him from the country.
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