Baseball player Choo Shin Soo

Choo Shin Soo

Living place: Arlington

Birthday: 13-7-1982 (42 years old)

Population of the world 1982: 4.610 billions

Global rank: #33701


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Baseball player Choo Shin Soo profile

Who is Baseball player Choo Shin Soo?
Choo Shin Soo is a left-handed Korean baseball star with a stable and highly disciplined playstyle. When he first appeared at MLB, Choo Shin Soo's salary was low at 10,000 USD/year. After 10 years of striving, Choo Shin Soo is currently the most prominent Korean player in the US professional league and receives the highest salary with a contract worth 130 million USD for 7 years playing at Texas Rangers Club. This is the 27th most valuable contract ever at the American professional tournament,
In 2011 and 2014, Choo Shin Soo was voted by Forbes magazine as one of the 10 most powerful celebrities in Korea. Country.
Choo Shin Soo's base hit rate in the 2012 season was 0.432 (423 per thousand), the 5th best of all outfielder defensive players in 10 years past.
During his career playing in the US professional baseball league since 2005, Choo Shin Soo had an average hit rate of 0.288 (288 per thousand), a long range, many bases. per hit is 0.465 (465 per thousand), 104 hits (homerun), 105 steals (steal). Choo Shin Soo is a baseball player with outstanding health and rare agility, having achieved 20 direct hits 3 times, 20 times robbing the base in 1 season.
Choo Shin gold medal. Soo and the Korean baseball team won at the 2010 Asian Games to help the baseball star get an exemption from military service.

Family life info

Choo Shin Soo and his wife Won-Mi Ha have three children, Alan, Aiden and Abigail.

Close relationship

Who is Girl friend/ wife/ darling Baseball player Choo Shin Soo?
Choo Shin Soo and baseball star Ryu Hyun Jin were special guests in episode 119 of ' Running Man' SBS with the theme: "Superpower Baseball".

Body measurements of

How tall is Baseball player Choo Shin Soo? What Choo Shin Soo's weight?
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Summary of Choo Shin Soo profile

When was Baseball player Choo Shin Soo born?
Choo Shin Soo birthday 13-7-1982 (at the age of 42).
Where is Baseball player Choo Shin Soo's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Choo Shin Soo was born in Busan, of South Korean. Mr working and living in Arlington, Texas- United States. Mr, whose Zodiac is Cancer, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Dog. Choo Shin Soo's global rank is 33701 and whose rank is 389 in list of famous Baseball player. Population of the world in 1982 is about 4.610 billions persons.
Celebrities born in:

Photos/ Images

Portrait of baseball player Choo Shin Soo
Portrait of baseball player Choo Shin Soo
 Choo Shin Soo
Choo Shin Soo
 a famous Korean baseball player
a famous Korean baseball player

Choo Shin Soo ranking


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Events in 1982 and 13-7

Events in the world in the birth year of Choo Shin Soo

  • British overcome Argentina in Falklands war (April 2-June 15).
  • Israel invades Lebanon in attack on PLO. (June 4). Background: Arab-Israeli Wars
  • Princess Grace, 52, dies of injuries when car plunges off mountain road; daughter Stephanie, 17, suffers serious injuries (Sept. 14).
  • Lebanese Christian Phalangists kill hundreds of people in two Palestinian refugee camps in West Beirut (Sept. 15).
  • Leonid I. Brezhnev, Soviet leader, dies at 75 (Nov. 10). Yuri V. Andropov, 68, chosen as successor (Nov. 15). Background: Rulers of Russia since 1533

Birthday Choo Shin Soo (13-7) in history

  • Day 13-7 year 1793: Royalist Charlotte Corday stabbed French revolutionary Jean-Paul Marat to death in a bathtub.
  • Day 13-7 year 1863: The draft riots, protesting unfair conscription in the Civil War, began in New York City.
  • Day 13-7 year 1865: P. T. Barnum's American Museum, which had featured Tom Thumb and the original Siamese twins Chang and Eng, was destroyed by fire.
  • Day 13-7 year 1930: The first World Cup soccer competition began in Montevideo, Uruguay.
  • Day 13-7 year 1943: The Battle of Kursk, the largest tank battle in history—involving some 6,000 tanks, 2,000,000 troops, and 4,000 aircraft—ended in German defeat.
  • Day 13-7 year 1977: A 25-hour blackout hit New York City, engendering widespread rioting and looting.
  • Day 13-7 year 2003: Iraq's interim governing council was inaugurated.
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Note about Baseball player Choo Shin Soo

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