Beauty contest Miss Nguyen Hoang Hieu Minh

Nguyen Hoang Hieu Minh

Living place: Ha Noi

Birthday: ?-?-2004 (20 years old)

Population of Vietnam 2004: 81,44 millions

Global rank: #72757

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Beauty contest Miss Nguyen Hoang Hieu Minh profile

Who is Beauty contest Miss Nguyen Hoang Hieu Minh?
Nguyen Hoang Hieu Minh is a beauty who attracted a lot of public attention when participating in the Miss Grand Vietnam 2023 contest. She is the youngest contestant in Miss Grand Vietnam 2023, but her outstanding appearance and great academic achievements She made the online community admire her. It is known that this beauty born in 2004 is currently a student at the Diplomatic Academy. She has a height of 1m74 and a sexy body.
Not only appreciated for his appearance, Nguyen Hoang Hieu Minh is also considered one of the candidates with outstanding academic achievements. She won a scholarship of 20, 000 $AUD from Monash University (ranked 44 in the world) and was one of 100 students participating in the event to welcome the United Nations Secretary General's delegation. In addition to studying, she is also very active in participating in volunteer activities. She is currently Vice President of La Beauté de Curie model club.
At the age of 15, Hieu Minh reached a height of 1m74, so she was often nicknamed "Sao" by her friends. One surprising thing is that this 10X beauty did not inherit the tall gene from her parents because her father is only 1.69 m tall, and her mother is 1.64 m. Since she was in kindergarten, she has always stood out in class because she was taller than her peers. In just over a year, from 5th to 6th grade, her height skyrocketed from 1m48 to 1m63. Faced with Xiaoming's rapid growth in height, her parents were worried that their daughter would not grow taller.
During puberty, Nguyen Hoang Hieu Minh always focused on exercise, drinking milk and a scientific diet. She usually spends 30 minutes a day doing squats. In addition, she also plays handball and basketball and has achieved a number of achievements such as winning the gold medal at the first National Secondary School Handball Tournament organized by the Vietnam Handball Federation and the third district level championship. basketball.
Thanks to his height, pretty face, and great academic achievements, Hieu Minh soon fell in love with modeling and participating in beauty contests. She has a dream of becoming an MC and announcer.

Close relationship

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Body measurements of

How tall is Beauty contest Miss Nguyen Hoang Hieu Minh? What Nguyen Hoang Hieu Minh's weight?
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Summary of Nguyen Hoang Hieu Minh profile

When was Beauty contest Miss Nguyen Hoang Hieu Minh born?
Nguyen Hoang Hieu Minh birthday ?-?-2004 (at the age of 20).
Where is Beauty contest Miss Nguyen Hoang Hieu Minh's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Nguyen Hoang Hieu Minh was born in Ha Noi, of Vietnam. Ms, whose Zodiac is (don't know), and who Chinese Zodiac is The Monkey. Nguyen Hoang Hieu Minh's global rank is 72757 and whose rank is 17 in list of famous Beauty contest Miss. Population of Vietnam in 2004 is about 81,44 millions persons.
Celebrities born in:

Photos/ Images

Portrait photo of beauty Nguyen Hoang Hieu Minh
Portrait photo of beauty Nguyen Hoang Hieu Minh
Nguyen Hoang Hieu Minh is the youngest beauty at Miss Grand Vietnam 2023
Nguyen Hoang Hieu Minh is the youngest beauty at Miss Grand Vietnam 2023
Close-up photo of the flawless beauty of beauty Nguyen Hoang Hieu Minh
Close-up photo of the flawless beauty of beauty Nguyen Hoang Hieu Minh
New photo of beauty Nguyen Hoang Hieu Minh
New photo of beauty Nguyen Hoang Hieu Minh

Nguyen Hoang Hieu Minh ranking


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Events in 2004 and 31-2

Events in the world in the birth year of Nguyen Hoang Hieu Minh

  • About one third of Iran’s Parliament steps down to protest hard-line Guardian Council’s banning of more than 2,000 reformists from running in parliamentary elections (Feb. 1).
  • A. Q. Khan, founder of Pakistan's nuclear program, admits he sold nuclear-weapons designs to other countries, including North Korea, Iran, and Libya (Feb. 4).
  • Armed rebels in Haiti force President Aristide to resign and flee the country (Feb. 29).
  • Spain is rocked by terrorist attacks, killing more than 200. Al Qaeda takes responsibility (March 11).
  • Spain's governing Popular Party loses election to opposition Socialists. Outcome seen as a reaction to terrorist attacks days before and Popular Party's support of the U.S.-led war in Iraq (March 14).
  • North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) formally admits 7 new countries: Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia, and Slovenia (March 29).
  • Israeli prime minister Sharon announces plan to unilaterally withdraw from Gaza Strip (April 12).
  • Greek Cypriots reject UN reunification plan with Turkish Cypriots (April 24).
  • Sudan rebels (SPLA) and government reach accord to end 21-year civil war. However, separate war in western Darfur region between Arab militias and black Africans continues unabated (May 26).
  • U.S. troops launch offensive in Falluja in response to killing and mutilation on March 31 of four U.S. civilian contractors. (April 5–May 1).
  • U.S. hands over power to Iraqi interim government; Iyad Allawi becomes prime minister (June 28).
  • Security Council demands Sudanese government disarm militias in Darfur that are massacring civilians (July 30).
  • Summer Olympics take place in Athens, Greece (Aug. 13–29).
  • Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez survives recall referendum (Aug. 16).
  • Chechen terrorists take about 1,200 schoolchildren and others hostage in Beslan, Russia; 340 people die when militant detonate explosives (Sept. 1–3).
  • UN Atomic Energy Agency tells Iran to stop enriching uranium; a nascent nuclear weapons program suspected (Sept. 18).
  • About 380 tons of explosives reported missing in Iraq (Oct. 25).
  • Yasir Arafat dies in Paris (Nov. 11).
  • U.S. troops launch attack on Falluja, stronghold of the Iraqi insurgency (Nov. 8).
  • Ukraine presidential election declared fraudulent (Nov. 21).
  • Hamid Karzai inaugurated as Afghanistan's first popularly elected president (Dec. 7).
  • Massive protests by supporters of opposition candidate Viktor Yushchenko's lead to a new Ukrainian election; Yushchenko eventually declared prime minister (Dec. 26).
  • Enormous tsunami devastates Asia; 200,000 killed (Dec. 26).
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