Buddha Thich Ca Mau Ni

Thich Ca Mau Ni

Living place: Uttar Pradesh

Birthday: ?-?-624B.C

Global rank: #6519

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Buddha Thich Ca Mau Ni profile

Who is Buddha Thich Ca Mau Ni?
Shakyamuni Buddha (abbreviated TCMN) (Shakyamuni Buddha), Sanskrit transliteration is Siddhārtha Gautama Gotama) was an ancient Indian sage and guru. His teachings laid the basic foundation for Buddhism. Shakyamuni is considered by Buddhists to be a fully enlightened being who has completely freed himself from the law of birth and death. He saw that sentient beings were suffering, so he brought the Buddha Dharma to all sentient beings to end suffering and save sentient beings. His teachings were recorded by his disciples and written into a book 400 years later.
Leaving home and cultivating
The year BCMN was 29 years old, after Princess Da-du. -dala gave birth to a baby boy named Lahula, TCMN decided to leave the palace to practice asceticism with various groups of monks. Shakyamuni was determined to find a way to end suffering, and he sought out many masters of different teachings. According to the Indian tradition at that time, only the ascetic path led to the great path. India at that time had famous ascetic teachers, Ala-la-Kalam and Ud-la-la-ma. When he went to study at Ala-la-Calam, TCMN learned to reach the Zen state of Nothingness and with Udala-Lama, he learned to reach the realm of neither perception nor non-perception.
However, he did not find in them the solution to his wish, so he was determined to find the way to liberation himself. There were five bhikkhus accompanying him. After many years of ascetic practice to the point of being close to death, he realized that was not the way to enlightenment, so he began to eat and drink normally, the other five billion steps were so disappointed that he left.
After the time when Siddhartha Gautama returned to eat and drink normally, he went to Giac Thanh and sat under a Bodhi tree in Bodh Gaya, vowing to enter samadhi and not leave his seat until the cause was found. and the mechanism of Suffering. After 49 days of meditation, despite being harassed by Mara, TCMN was enlightened at the age of 35. He knew he was a Buddha - an Enlightened One who was no longer reincarnated.
He began to teach the Dharma. to save people to enlightenment and liberation. He taught the Four Noble Truths, the Noble Eightfold Path, Impermanence, Samsara, Non-self, the Law of Cause and Effect, Dependent Origination and many other teachings. At the Deer Park, Sarnath near Benares was the site of the first sermon, called "Zhuan the Dharma Wheel". The five monks of the past became his first five disciples. Then he preached the Dharma from year to year. He often stayed at Vajrasattva and Savatthi, living on alms. He gradually built up a large group of disciples consisting of 4 components: bhikkhus (male monks), bhikkhunis (female nuns), upasakas (males), upu-shes. -di (female). Among his lay disciples were such powerful figures as King Tanba-sala, Queen Videhi of Machida, King Paszana, and Queen-Malay. of the country of Kieu-sat-la. King Tan Ba-sala presented to the Sangha the first monastery in the history of Buddhism, Truc Lam Vihara in the capital of Vuong Xa. The sage Anathapindika was a wealthy merchant from the city of Sāvat, who also donated to Shakyamuni Buddha's congregation and obtained a vihara in the garden of Prince Kyda at Sāvatthi, called Ky Vien vihara. Even according to the Buddha's Sutra, Loneliness lined the yard with gold and bought it from Crown Prince Kyda, son of the king of Prajna. The most important disciples of Shakyamuni were Mahakashapa, Anali, Ananda, Sariputra, Moggallana, and Purna. Also during this time, the bhikkhuni group was established by the chief nun of Sakyamuni's mother, Maha-ba-sa-ba-de.

Young / Before famous

Shakyamuni was born into a royal family of the Sakya clan. His father was King Tinh San, his mother was Queen Maya

Since he was born he was full of good signs, so prophets said that he would become a great emperor or an enlightened being. 7 days after he was born, his mother died, so he was taken care of by his aunt, Mahāprajāpatī. When he was 16 years old, he married Princess Yaśodharā.

King Tinh San did not want his son to become a monk, so he taught him very carefully, especially not to let his children come into contact with suffering. However, after going out four times to the four gates of the city and seeing scenes of the elderly, sick as well as the dead and a monk, TCMN made a mind to cultivate and then bid farewell to the palace, living a homeless life. Legend has it that the four situations at the four gates of the city are scenes caused by gods to remind him to go on a journey to study Buddhahood. Siddhartha Gautama experienced that the first three scenes represent the Suffering of the world and that the remaining monk image is his life.

The life of the cemetery met many bad people who wanted to haunt him. harmful. In it, there was his cousin Devadatta, who wanted to take over the Sangha, tried to kill him many times but failed. Devadatta, however, succeeded in dividing the Sangha in Vesali. TCMN follows the middle path, depending on sentient beings, Devadatta, on the contrary, advocates an extreme ascetic life. in the Sala forest in Cau Thi Na. Forgiveness and discovered that the Fa he had taught before was no longer correct when his level was improved, so he preached that "the Fa has no definition of the Dharma". The Buddha's last teaching was: "All conditioned dharmas are impermanent and subject to change, study diligently to attain liberation! ".

In the southern Sàla forest In the city, Siddhartha Gautama entered Nirvana through various levels of meditation - a state of complete liberation from life's suffering. According to Pali legend, on the full moon day of the fourth month, and Sanskrit texts say that on the full moon day of November, his body was cremated with many strange phenomena. His relics are divided into 8 parts and are worshiped in different towers.

Close relationship

Who is Girl friend/ wife/ darling Buddha Thich Ca Mau Ni?
Shakyamuni is said to be a person with the level of Tathagata, which is also equivalent to the level of Lao Tzu and Jesus- the level that has its own heaven (Nirvana) to save sentient beings up there.

Body measurements of

How tall is Buddha Thich Ca Mau Ni? What Thich Ca Mau Ni's weight?
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Summary of Thich Ca Mau Ni profile

When was Buddha Thich Ca Mau Ni born?
Thich Ca Mau Ni was born in ?-?-624B.C, death year is , at the age of 2648.
Where is Buddha Thich Ca Mau Ni's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Thich Ca Mau Ni was born in Kapilavastu, of Nepal. Mr working and living in Uttar Pradesh, of India. Mr, whose Zodiac is (don't know), and who Chinese Zodiac is The Tiger. Thich Ca Mau Ni's global rank is 6519 and whose rank is 3 in list of famous Buddha.
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Photos/ Images

Portrait of Buddha Shakyamuni
Portrait of Buddha Shakyamuni
Statue of Buddha Shakyamuni
Statue of Buddha Shakyamuni
Shakyamuni entering Nirvana at the root of Bodhi
Shakyamuni entering Nirvana at the root of Bodhi
Another picture of Siddhartha - Shakyamuni
Another picture of Siddhartha - Shakyamuni

Thich Ca Mau Ni ranking


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Note about Buddha Thich Ca Mau Ni

Thich Ca Mau Ni infomation and profile updated by nguoinoitieng.tv.