Cricket player Jacob Oram

Jacob Oram

Living place: New Zealand

Birthday: 28-7-1978 (46 years old)

Population of the world 1978: 4.302 billions

Global rank: #64512

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Cricket player Jacob Oram profile

Who is Cricket player Jacob Oram?
New Zealand all-rounder known for his time with Indian Premiere League teams like India Mumbai. Internationally, he has represented his country at numerous events, including the ICC World Twenty20 and the Cricket World Cup.
He is one of the few ODI cricketers to have scored 3000 runs and taken 150 wickets in their career.

Young / Before famous

He was a soccer goalkeeper as a young man and made his domestic debut with the Central District in 1997.

Family life info

He married Mara Tait-Jamieson in March 2008. They have a son named Patrick.

Close relationship

Who is Boy (girl) friend/ wife (husband)/ darling Cricket player Jacob Oram?
He was teammates with Brendan Taylor on Kings Chittagong.

Body measurements of

How tall is Cricket player Jacob Oram? What Jacob Oram's weight?
Height: updating
Weight: updating
Measurements: updating

Summary of Jacob Oram profile

When was Cricket player Jacob Oram born?
Jacob Oram birthday 28-7-1978 (at the age of 46).
Where is Cricket player Jacob Oram's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Jacob Oram was born in . is a Cricket player, whose Zodiac is Leo, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Horse. Jacob Oram's global rank is 64512 and whose rank is 291 in list of famous Cricket player. Population of the world in 1978 is about 4.302 billions persons.
Celebrities born in:

Events in 1978 and 28-7

Events in the world in the birth year of Jacob Oram

  • Rhodesia's Prime Minister Ian D. Smith and three black leaders agree on transfer to black majority rule (Feb. 15).
  • US Senate approves Panama Canal neutrality treaty (March 16); votes treaty to turn canal over to Panama by year 2000 (April 18).
  • Former Italian Premier Aldo Moro kidnapped by left wing terrorists, who kill five bodyguards (March 16); he is found slain (May 9).
  • Pope Paul VI , dead at 80, mourned (Aug. 6); new Pope, John Paul I, 65, dies unexpectedly after 34 days in office (Sept. 28); succeeded by Karol Cardinal Wojtyla of Poland as John Paul II (Oct. 16).
  • "Framework for Peace" in Middle East signed by Egypt's President Anwar Sadat and Israeli Premier Menachem Begin after 13-day conference at Camp David led by President Jimmy Carter (Sept. 17).
  • Jim Jones's followers commit mass suicide in Jonestown, Guyana (Nov. 18).

Birthday Jacob Oram (28-7) in history

  • Day 28-7 year 1540: Former UK Foreign Secretary Thomas Cromwell was executed for treason and heresy at Tower Hill. On this same day, King Henry VIII married his fifth wife, Catherine Howard.
  • Day 28-7 year 1750: The great German baroque composer Johann Sebastian Bach passed away in Leipzig, Germany.
  • Day 28-7 year 1794: Robespierre, The French revolutionary leader, was taken to the guillotine.
  • Day 28-7 year 1821: Peru declared its independence from Spain.
  • Day 28-7 year 1868: The 14th Amendment to the Constitution, which established the citizenship of African Americans and guaranteed due process of law, was ratified.
  • Day 28-7 year 1914: Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia, precipitating the start of World War I.
  • Day 28-7 year 1932: Herbert Hoover ordered Douglas MacArthur to evict the Bonus Marchers from their camps.
  • Day 28-7 year 2002: Nine Pennsylvania coal miners were rescued after 77 hours of being trapped in a mine shaft.
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Note about Cricket player Jacob Oram

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