DJ Vu Manh Duy

Image of Vu Manh Duy #

Vu Manh Duy

Living place: Nghe An

Birthday: ?-?-1992 (32 years old)

Population of Vietnam 1992: 68,45 millions

Global rank: #4540



Phone number: 0912 462 463

DJ Vu Manh Duy profile

Who is DJ Vu Manh Duy?
Vu Manh Duy (DJ Duy Anh), born in 1992, is a son of the land Yen Bai. Since childhood, Manh Duy had a poor childhood, his parents stayed at home and worked hard in the fields all year round.
Because he had no money to pursue his education, Manh Duy had to Leave school early, leave hometown to make money in the city. Going through many hard manual jobs such as housekeeping, waiting tables, serving restaurants... to have money to pay for the expensive life in the city. Many days he worked until late at night before returning home. Accepting stumbles in life early has helped Duy have many opportunities to experience, learn and have a strong will to grow.
A person who has been passionate about music since he was a child, grew up tinkering with it as a hobby to relax after a stressful working day. And luckily, he found friends with similar interests, who introduced him to classes to become a professional DJ. At that time, DJing was a fairly new job, not everyone knew about it, but because of his passion, he decided to study.
A young boy If you're new to the profession, not famous, have no experience, don't have anyone to help you, and even if you're not good at playing music, getting into a shop to play music is extremely difficult. After many months of searching, he asked to go to a small bar that had just opened. The feeling of standing in front of the DJ table playing music for the first time was very trembling. Below was a crowd of spectators. It was indeed a lot more stressful. compared to regular practice.
Gradually, Manh Duy got to know many people in the profession, was invited to many places, and learned many things from his predecessors like Music playing skills, performance skills, learning to keep up with trends, gradually becoming what we are now.
Over 10 years of continuous effort to learn, Now Manh Duy has become a quite famous DJ in Vinh - Nghe An, his personal Facebook page alone has has over 130,000 followers. The job has brought him a stable source of income. Currently, in addition to DJing, he also opens professional DJ training classes to help many young people with the same passion as him.

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Body measurements of

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Summary of Vu Manh Duy profile

When was DJ Vu Manh Duy born?
Vu Manh Duy birthday ?-?-1992 (at the age of 32).
Where is DJ Vu Manh Duy's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Vu Manh Duy was born in Yen Bai, of Vietnam. Mr working and living in Nghe An, of Vietnam. Mr, whose Zodiac is (don't know), and who Chinese Zodiac is The Monkey. Vu Manh Duy's global rank is 4540 and whose rank is 60 in list of famous DJ. Population of Vietnam in 1992 is about 68,45 millions persons.
Celebrities born in:

Photos/ Images

Vu Manh Duy (DJ Duy Anh)
Vu Manh Duy (DJ Duy Anh)
Vu Manh Duy came to the DJ profession by chance. At first
Vu Manh Duy came to the DJ profession by chance. At first
Duy Anh encountered many difficulties when entering the DJ profession. Currently
Duy Anh encountered many difficulties when entering the DJ profession. Currently
Manh Duy has become a quite famous DJ. In Vinh - Nghe An
Manh Duy has become a quite famous DJ. In Vinh - Nghe An

Vu Manh Duy ranking


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Events in 1992 and 31-2

Events in the world in the birth year of Vu Manh Duy

  • Yugoslav Federation broken up (Jan. 15). US recognizes three former Yugoslav republics (April 7). UN expels Serbian-dominated Yugoslavia (Sept. 22).
  • Bush and Yeltsin proclaim a formal end to the Cold War (Feb. 1).
  • US lifts trade sanctions against China (Feb. 21).
  • General Manuel Noriega, former leader of Panama, convicted in US court (April 9) and sentenced to 40 years on drug charges (July 10).
  • Russian Parliament approves START treaty (Nov. 4).
  • US forces leave Philippines, ending nearly a century of American military presence (Nov. 24).
  • Czechoslovak Parliament approves separation into two nations (Nov. 25). Background: Czech Republic and Slovakia
  • UN approves US-led force to guard food for Somalia (Dec. 3).
  • North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) signed (Dec. 17).
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Note about DJ Vu Manh Duy

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