Explorer Vasco Da Gama

Image of Vasco Da Gama #

Vasco Da Gama

Living place: Portugal

Birthday: ?-?-1460

Global rank: #97172

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Explorer Vasco Da Gama profile

Who is Explorer Vasco Da Gama?

Vasco Da Gama, 1st Earl of Vidigueira was a famous Portuguese explorer. He was the captain of the first fleet to sail directly from Europe to India.
Da Gama studied astronomy and navigation, becoming a naval officer in 1492.
July 8, 1497, Vasco da Gama's fleet of four ships left the port of Lisbon to begin their expedition. He was directly the captain of a large ship named São Gabriel.
Experienced many difficulties and hardships along the way, on May 20, 1498, Da Gama reached Calicut, India.
In September 1499, he and his surviving sailors returned to Portugal. He was richly rewarded for completing the map that Portuguese explorers had to draw for 80 years.
He was later named "Admiral of the Indian Ocean" and given the right to govern the Sines region.
Not only that, but he was also granted a title and became a count of Vidigueira, the first Portuguese who was not of royal blood.
Since then, he has traveled to India twice more. 1502 and 1524. However, the third time he went to India in 1524 he contracted malaria and died not long after.
It was Vasco Da Gama who ushered in the "golden age" for Portugal. When the country became one of the first empires.
In his honor, his name was given to a port, Vasco da Gama in Goa. And his name is also given to a large crater on the Moon. And his name is also given to a number of football teams in Brazil,...
He is ranked 86th in Michael H. Hart's list of the 100 most influential people in history.

Family life info

Vasco Da Gama was born into a noble family of Sines, Portugal. His father was also an adventurer.

Close relationship

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Body measurements of

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Summary of Vasco Da Gama profile

When was Explorer Vasco Da Gama born?
Vasco Da Gama was born in ?-?-1460, death year is , at the age of 564.
Where is Explorer Vasco Da Gama's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Vasco Da Gama was born in Portugal. Mr, whose Zodiac is (don't know), and who Chinese Zodiac is The Dragon. Vasco Da Gama's global rank is 97172 and whose rank is 181 in list of famous Explorer.
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Photos/ Images

Portrait of talented explorer Vasco da Gama
Portrait of talented explorer Vasco da Gama
 Count Vasco da Gama
Count Vasco da Gama
 Explorer Vasco da Gama and sailors crossed the sea to India
Explorer Vasco da Gama and sailors crossed the sea to India

Vasco Da Gama ranking


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Note about Explorer Vasco Da Gama

Vasco Da Gama infomation and profile updated by nguoinoitieng.tv.
Born in 1460