Family member Lexi Rivera

Lexi Rivera

Living place: California

Birthday: 7-6-2001 (23 years old)

Population of US 2001: 281.4 millions

Global rank: #7432

Email: updating

Phone number: updating

Family member Lexi Rivera profile

Who is Family member Lexi Rivera?
Sister of social media and web video star Brent Rivera, who is known as MrBrent98.
She has a popular Instagram account under the name lexibrookerivera which surpassed the 200,000 followers mark in the summer of 2014.

Young / Before famous

She posted her first photo to Instagram on May 26, 2012. This is about 3 years after her brother first made a YouTube video.

Family life info

She has three older brothers: Brent, Brice and Blake Rivera

Close relationship

Who is Boy (girl) friend/ wife (husband)/ darling Family member Lexi Rivera?
Her brother is a good friend to Cameron Dallas.

Body measurements of

How tall is Family member Lexi Rivera? What Lexi Rivera's weight?
Height: updating
Weight: updating
Measurements: updating

Summary of Lexi Rivera profile

When was Family member Lexi Rivera born?
Lexi Rivera birthday 7-6-2001 (at the age of 23).
Where is Family member Lexi Rivera's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Lexi Rivera was born in California, . is a Family member, whose Zodiac is Gemini, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Snake. Lexi Rivera's global rank is 7432 and whose rank is 42 in list of famous Family member. Population of US in 2001 is about 281.4 millions persons.
Celebrities born in:

Events in 2001 and 7-6

Events in US in the birth year of Lexi Rivera

  • In final days of presidency, Bill Clinton issues controversial pardons, including one for Marc Rich, billionaire fugitive financier (Jan. 20).
  • George W. Bush is sworn in as 43rd president (Jan. 20).
  • U.S. submarine Greeneville sinks Japanese fishing boat, killing 9 (Feb. 9).
  • FBI agent Robert Hanssen is charged with spying for Russia for 15 years (Feb. 20).
  • Race riots in Cincinnati continue for several days following a shooting of an unarmed black man by a white police officer (April 7 et seq.).
  • Four are declared guilty in 1998 terrorist bombings of U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania (May 29). Background: U.S. Embassy Bombings.
  • Balance of the Senate shifts after Jim Jeffords of Vermont changes his party affiliation from Republican to Independent. The move strips Republicans of control of the Senate and gives Democrats the narrowest of majorities (50-49-1) (June 5).
  • Bush signs new tax-cut law, the largest in 20 years (June 7). Background: Economic Downturn and a Tax Cut.
  • Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh executed (June 11).
  • Budget surplus dwindles. The Congressional Budget Office attributes this rapid change in the nation's fortunes to the slowing economy and the Bush tax cut (Aug. 22). Background: Economic Downturn and a Tax Cut.
  • Terrorists attack United States. Hijackers ram jetliners into twin towers of New York City's World Trade Center and the Pentagon. A fourth hijacked plane crashes 80 mi outside of Pittsburgh (Sept. 11). Toll of dead and injured in thousands. Within days, Islamic militant Osama bin Laden and the al-Qaeda terrorist network are identified as the parties behind the attacks.
  • Anthrax scare rivets nation, as anthrax-laced letters are sent to various media and government officials. Several postal workers die after handling the letters (throughout October).

Birthday Lexi Rivera (7-6) in history

  • Day 7-6 year 1494: Spain and Portugal signed the Treaty of Tordesillas, a treaty dividing the "New World" between the two countries.
  • Day 7-6 year 1654: "Sun King" Louis XIV ascended the throne of France.
  • Day 7-6 year 1776: Richard Henry Lee of Virginia introduced a resolution in the Continental Congress proposing the Declaration of Independence.
  • Day 7-6 year 1892: Homer Plessy was arrested for his refusal to move from a whites-only seat on a train. This led to the Plessy v. Ferguson Supreme Court decision.
  • Day 7-6 year 1929: Vatican City became a sovereign state.
  • Day 7-6 year 1948: President Eduard Beneš of Czechoslovakia resigned and the Communist takeover of the country was completed.
  • Day 7-6 year 1967: Dorothy Parker, American short story writer, poet, and critic, died.
  • Day 7-6 year 2003: Rev. V. Gene Robinson was elected the first openly gay bishop by New Hampshire Episcopalians.
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Note about Family member Lexi Rivera

Lexi Rivera infomation and profile updated by