Family member Sasha Malik

Sasha Malik

Living place: England

Birthday: 17-6-1997 (27 years old)

Population of the world 1997: 5.840 billions

Global rank: #65162

Email: updating

Phone number: updating

Family member Sasha Malik profile

Who is Family member Sasha Malik?
Social media star known for being the cousin of the singer Zayn Malik.
She has over 280,000 followers on Twitter and over 70,000 followers on Instagram.

Young / Before famous

She joined Twitter in 2012.

Family life info

She grew up in England.

Close relationship

Who is Boy (girl) friend/ wife (husband)/ darling Family member Sasha Malik?
She tweeted several times in worship of Jack Branning, player by Scott Maslen.

Body measurements of

How tall is Family member Sasha Malik? What Sasha Malik's weight?
Height: updating
Weight: updating
Measurements: updating

Summary of Sasha Malik profile

When was Family member Sasha Malik born?
Sasha Malik birthday 17-6-1997 (at the age of 27).
Where is Family member Sasha Malik's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Sasha Malik was born in England. is a Family member, whose Zodiac is Gemini, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Ox. Sasha Malik's global rank is 65162 and whose rank is 890 in list of famous Family member. Population of the world in 1997 is about 5.840 billions persons.
Celebrities born in:

Events in 1997 and 17-6

Events in the world in the birth year of Sasha Malik

  • Hebron agreement signed; Israel gives up large part of West Bank city of Hebron (Jan. 16). Israeli government approves establishment of Jewish settlement in East Jerusalem, a setback in Middle East peace process (Feb. 26). Background: Middle East Peace Negotiations
  • US, UK, and France agree to freeze Nazis' gold loot (Feb. 3).
  • Hong Kong returns to Chinese rule (June 30).
  • Khmer Rouge hold trial of longtime leader Pol Pot (July 25).
  • Swiss plan first payment to Holocaust victims (Sept. 17).
  • European Union plans to admit six nations (Dec. 13).

Birthday Sasha Malik (17-6) in history

  • Day 17-6 year 1775: The Battle of Bunker Hill took place during the siege of Boston at the beginning of the American Revolutionary War.
  • Day 17-6 year 1885: The Statue of Liberty arrived in New York City aboard the French ship Isere.
  • Day 17-6 year 1928: Amelia Earhart embarked on the first trans-Atlantic flight by a woman.
  • Day 17-6 year 1944: The Republic of Iceland was established.
  • Day 17-6 year 1963: U.S. Supreme Court ruled that no locality may require recitation of Lord's Prayer or Bible verses in public schools.
  • Day 17-6 year 1972: Burglary of Democratic Party headquarters in Washington, DC, started the Watergate political scandal.
  • Day 17-6 year 1994: O. J. Simpson's slow-speed chase by the police, watched by millions on TV, ended in his arrest.
  • Day 17-6 year 2002: Australian scientists announced that they had "teleported" a laser beam—breaking it up and reconstructing it in another location.
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Other famous Family member

Famous people born in 17-6-1997

Note about Family member Sasha Malik

Sasha Malik infomation and profile updated by