Fashion designer Edward Molyneux

Edward Molyneux

Living place: England

Birthday: 5-9-1891

Global rank: #97726

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Fashion designer Edward Molyneux profile

Who is Fashion designer Edward Molyneux?
British fashion designer who dressed British high society women from 1919 to 1950.
He had an extensive art collection, including original pieces by Picasso and Monet.

Young / Before famous

He graduated from Beaumont College, where he pursued his passion for the arts. Design, draw, create

Family life info

He is said to have been openly gay, but insisted on remaining married to Muriel Dunsmuir until 1951.

Close relationship

Who is Boy (girl) friend/ wife (husband)/ darling Fashion designer Edward Molyneux?
In addition to his piece by Picasso and Monet, he also had an original work painted by artist Auguste Renoir.

Body measurements of

How tall is Fashion designer Edward Molyneux? What Edward Molyneux's weight?
Height: updating
Weight: updating
Measurements: updating

Summary of Edward Molyneux profile

When was Fashion designer Edward Molyneux born?
Edward Molyneux was born in 5-9-1891, death year is , at the age of 133.
Where is Fashion designer Edward Molyneux's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Edward Molyneux was born in England. is a Fashion designer, whose Zodiac is Virgo, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Cat. Edward Molyneux's global rank is 97726 and whose rank is 566 in list of famous Fashion designer.
Celebrities born in:

Events in 1891 and 5-9

Birthday Edward Molyneux (5-9) in history

  • Day 5-9 year 1698: Peter, the Great of Russia, issued a strange decree, taxing bearded men.
  • Day 5-9 year 1774: The first Continental Congress met in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
  • Day 5-9 year 1836: The Republic of Texas made miltary hero Sam Houston its first president.
  • Day 5-9 year 1905: The Treaty of Portsmouth, which ended the Russo-Japanese War, was signed at the Portsmouth naval base in New Hampshire.
  • Day 5-9 year 1972: Palestinian guerrillas killed 11 Israelis at the Munich Summer Olympics.
  • Day 5-9 year 1997: Humanitarian Mother Teresa, who won a Nobel Peace Prize for her work with the poor, died in Calcutta, India, at age 87.
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Note about Fashion designer Edward Molyneux

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