Fictional characters Ong Gia Noel

Ong Gia Noel

Living place: Finland

Birthday: ?-?-280 (1744 years old)

Global rank: #53988


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Fictional characters Ong Gia Noel profile

Who is Fictional characters Ong Gia Noel?
Santa Claus (also known as Father Chrismas (UK), Père Noel (France), Ded Moroz (Russia) or Santa Claus) is the embodiment of Saint Nicholas. Santa Claus is full of compassion, always helping people in difficult circumstances and especially cares about children. He is an indispensable character in the Christmas celebration. According to legend, every Christmas Eve, Santa Claus would ride a reindeer, go through the chimney and put presents in stockings hanging by the fireplace for obedient babies. Children all over the world are eager to hang cute little socks on the fireplace to receive gifts. When they wake up the next morning, the children will be delighted to receive Santa's gifts. Although Saint Nicholas passed away in 343 AD, the icon of Santa Claus is still alive with the desire that Christmas is warmed by love.
Santa Claus lives at the North Pole, is described as a cheerful person, with a white beard, glasses, a red outfit with white fur trim and a bag full of children's gifts. Many parents often tell stories about Santa Claus to teach their children to do good deeds. The children will write letters to Santa to tell them about the good things they have done in the past year. All year round he reads letters from each child and prepares presents for Christmas Eve.
Saint Nicholas was born in the late third century, around 280 AD. He came from a noble family in Northern Europe, most people consider his homeland to be Finland. His parents died when he was very young. Saint Nicholas was carefully taught, imbued with the Bible, so he believed in God and lived a very kind life. Since childhood, Nicholas has always cared, helping the poor by giving secret gifts. After his parents died, Saint Nicholas inherited a large fortune. He used the money he inherited to help people in difficult circumstances.
One Christmas Eve, while passing a poor family with a father living with 3 daughters, Saint Nicholas heard a cry. The eldest daughter is of marriageable age, but because the family is too poor to have money to buy a dowry, she cannot get married. Pitying their family situation, Nicholas quietly dropped a coin through the chimney and accidentally fell into the sock to dry on the fireplace. Thanks to that gold bar, the eldest daughter got married. When the second daughter came of age, the father found the gold bar in the sock drying on the fireplace. Thanks to that, the second daughter also got married. On the third daughter, the father continued to leave the sock next to the fireplace. Wanting to know the benefactor had helped him, the father hid by the fireplace every night to wait. It took him a long time to find Nicholas dropping the gold bar down the chimney. The father was overjoyed and thanked Nicholas. However, Nicholas begged the father to keep this secret because he just wanted to help others in silence. But then the story of Nicholas' kindness spread everywhere. Every time someone receives a surprise gift, they think Nicholas gave it. With his kindness, many people call Nicholas a Saint. Nowadays, everyone believes that Santa Claus is the embodiment of Saint Nicholas.

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Summary of Ong Gia Noel profile

When was Fictional characters Ong Gia Noel born?
Ong Gia Noel ?-?-280 (at the age of 1744).
Where is Fictional characters Ong Gia Noel's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Ong Gia Noel was born in Finland. Mr, whose Zodiac is (don't know), and who Chinese Zodiac is The Rat. Ong Gia Noel's global rank is 53988 and whose rank is 45 in list of famous Fictional characters.
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Santa Claus is an indispensable character in Christmas Eve
Santa Claus is an indispensable character in Christmas Eve
Santa Claus is a fictional character that brings joy to children
Santa Claus is a fictional character that brings joy to children
Fictional character Santa Claus is real?
Fictional character Santa Claus is real?

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