Film Matthew Irving


Matthew Irving

Living place: New Jersey

Birthday: 18-2-1971 (53 years old)

Population of US 1971: 207,660,677

Global rank: #77894


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Film Matthew Irving profile

Who is Film Matthew Irving?
Matthew Irving is a famous American cinematographer and is known as a creative cinematographer.
Movies Matthew Irving has made:
  • In 1997 he made a movie titled One
  • In 1998, he made 2 films titled Baggage and The magic of marciano
  • In 1999 Matthew made the movie Groove
  • In 2000 he made a movie titled My best friend's wife/grownups
  • In 2001 Matthew made a series 2 film titled Thank you, good night and Drive, she said
  • In 2002, the movie he made was titled Speakeasy
  • In 2003 Matthew acted in 2 movies, Monster man and Keep your distance
  • 2004 Matthew actually participated in 2 movies Waiting and Daltry calhoun
  • In 2005 Matthew participated in 3 movies Coolfuel roadtrip 18-part tv -series; Cry_Wolf and Waitress
  • In 2006 Matthew participated in three real films, Morbid Curiosity; Still waters and The nines
  • In 2007 he participated in the production of 2 films titled The pardon and The echo.
  • In 2008 he made 2 movies, Table for three and Waiting for forever
  • In 2009 the movie he made was Science impossible episode 6
  • In 2010 the movies he made were Redemption road and Son of an afghan farmer
  • In 2011 Matthew made 2 films, Things fall apart and Terminal
  • In 2012 Matthew made 2 web movies titled Stash house and Howard Cantour. com
  • In 2013 he made consecutive films Odd brodsky; Geography club; A bit of bad luck; There's always woodstock; Playing house and Sins of our youth.

Young / Before famous

At the age of 9, Matthew Irving started filming with his brother.
Matthew Irving graduated with 2 majors in English and communication from Stanford University.
Then he attended school. Master's degree at the University of Southern California Film/Television.
The first film he made, titled One, premiered at the 1998 Sundance Festival, was so popular that he was voted one of the winners. 25 New Filmmaker Faces voted by Filmmaker Magazine His film was honored to receive the award for best film at the Spirit Awards Independent.
The 2014 horror film titled A bit of bad luck won the award for best cinematography by Los Angeles. Movie Awards voted.
The movie titled Outlaws and Angels was voted as one of the 21 best films at the Sundanc Film Festival e 2016.

Family life info

In 2005 Matthew Irving married his wife Cindy Baer, ​​an actor, director and producer in a small chapel in Yosemite National Park.

Close relationship

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Body measurements of

How tall is Film Matthew Irving? What Matthew Irving's weight?
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Summary of Matthew Irving profile

When was Film Matthew Irving born?
Matthew Irving birthday 18-2-1971 (at the age of 53).
Where is Film Matthew Irving's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Matthew Irving was born in New Jersey, . Mr, whose Zodiac is Aquarius, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Pig. Matthew Irving's global rank is 77894 and whose rank is 19 in list of famous Film. Population of US in 1971 is about 207,660,677 persons.
Celebrities born in:

Photos/ Images

Portrait of Cinematographer Matthew Irving

A new photo of Matthew Irving- famous New Jersey cinematographer

Matthew Irving ranking


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Events in 1971 and 18-2

Events in US in the birth year of Matthew Irving

  • US Supreme Court rules unanimously that busing of students may be ordered to achieve racial desegregation (April 20).
  • Anti-war militants attempt to disrupt government business in Washington (May 3)—police and military units arrest as many as 12,000; most are later released.
  • Pentagon Papers published (June 13).
  • Twenty-sixth Amendment to US Constitution lowers voting age to 18. (June 30).

Birthday Matthew Irving (18-2) in history

  • Day 18-2 year 1546: German theologian Martin Luther, who led the Protestant Reformation, passed away in Eisleben, Germany.
  • Day 18-2 year 1564: Italian Renaissance painter, sculptor and architect Michelangelo Buonarotti passed away in Rome, Italy.
  • Day 18-2 year 1885: The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain was published.
  • Day 18-2 year 1930: Pluto, the ninth planet in the solar system, was discovered by American astronomer Clyde Tombaugh.
  • Day 18-2 year 1953: The first 3-D movie, Bwana Devil, opened in New York.
  • Day 18-2 year 2001: FBI agent Robert Philip Hanssen was arrested and charged with spying for Russia.
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Note about Film Matthew Irving

Matthew Irving infomation and profile updated by