Monks Nhu Nhien Thich Tanh Hue

Image of Nhu Nhien Thich Tanh Hue #

Nhu Nhien Thich Tanh Hue

Living place: California

Birthday: 12-1-1971 (53 years old)

Population of Vietnam 1971: 43,72 millions

Global rank: #45767



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Monks Nhu Nhien Thich Tanh Hue profile

Who is Monks Nhu Nhien Thich Tanh Hue?
Nhu Nhien Thich Tanh Hue (Bhikkhu: Thich Tanh Tue, pen name: Nhu Nhien, real name: Truong Dien An) is a monk with many contributions to Buddhism. Master Thich Tanh Hue is a monk disciple of Venerable Thich Man Giac, aka poet Huyen Khong (pagoda Vietnam, Los Angeles, California, USA). Most of the time he lived and worked in India and America. Master Thich Tanh Hue is loved by monks, nuns, and Buddhists through his healing lectures. He is the head of the executive board of the Bodhgaya Heart Foundation.
In 1989, he became a monk at Thuong Chieu Zen Monastery - Long Thanh Dong Nai, dharma name: Thich Tue Chieu.
In 1993, he went to America to settle as a HO and was accepted as a disciple by Venerable Thich Man Giac (Vietnamese Pagoda Master, Los Angeles) and given the Dharma name Tanh Tue.
In 2006, he entered the monkhood to study with the Sangha of Dharma Plum Village & California Deer Park Monastery.
In 2008, he studied abroad at Nalanda University - Bihar India state
In 2009, he began his career of propagating the Dharma at Southern California Buddhist Associations such as: Eyes of Love Looking at Life, Duoc Tue, monasteries, and temples.
In 2010 Established the Bodhgaya Heart Foundation.
In 2015, he graduated with a PhD in Buddhism.
Monk Thich Tanh Hue is the author of many works such as:
  • Shadows of Time (poem collection)
  • Peace in the midst of ups and downs (book)
  • Lighten the burden of sorrow (book)
In addition, he has many articles on Buddhist sites such as: Lotus Library, Quang Virtue, Buddhism Today, Flowers of Carelessness...
The sincere and simple articles and poems containing the love that transforms one's life by author Nhu Nhien help people find have peace in an impermanent life. The works are full of philosophy, containing therapeutic lessons for all the suffering and pain of human life. When each person comes into this life, they bring nothing with them, and when they leave, it is just like smoke. Think about how simple life is. Glory and wealth will pass away as time passes. Love, love, and hatred eventually return to dust. The essays and poems of Master Thich Tanh Hue have become a bridge to help those who have not found joy in life find peace, a song that depicts from the heart and emotions with the pain of life. . Each story is like a wake-up call for people to slow down, be less competitive, let go of sadness and stop dwelling on the past. The vast ocean of Buddhism, the teacher gently sails over obstacles to transport love.

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Summary of Nhu Nhien Thich Tanh Hue profile

When was Monks Nhu Nhien Thich Tanh Hue born?
Nhu Nhien Thich Tanh Hue birthday 12-1-1971 (at the age of 53).
Where is Monks Nhu Nhien Thich Tanh Hue's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Nhu Nhien Thich Tanh Hue was born in Thua Thien Hue, of Vietnam. Mr working and living in California, of United States. Mr, whose Zodiac is Capricorn, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Dog. Nhu Nhien Thich Tanh Hue's global rank is 45767 and whose rank is 29 in list of famous Monks. Population of Vietnam in 1971 is about 43,72 millions persons.
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Monk Nhu Nhien Thich Tanh Tue composed many healing works
Monk Nhu Nhien Thich Tanh Tue composed many healing works
Monk Nhu Nhien Thich Tanh Tue vowed to bring merit to all sentient beings
Monk Nhu Nhien Thich Tanh Tue vowed to bring merit to all sentient beings
Monk Nhu Nhien Thich Tanh Tue devoted his heart to Buddha
Monk Nhu Nhien Thich Tanh Tue devoted his heart to Buddha

Nhu Nhien Thich Tanh Hue ranking


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Events in 1971 and 12-1

Events in the world in the birth year of Nhu Nhien Thich Tanh Hue

  • A military junta led by Major General Idi Amin siezes power in Uganda (Jan. 25).
  • Mao Zedong invites the US ping-pong team to visit Beijing (Apr. 6).
  • Nixon ends the US trade embargo against China. (Apr. 14).
  • Erich Honecker assumes leadership of the East German Communist Party after Walter Ulbricht's resignation (May).
  • India and the USSR sign a 20-year friendship pact (Aug. 9).
  • President Mobutu renames the Democratic Republic of Congo, establishing Zaire (Oct. 27).

Birthday Nhu Nhien Thich Tanh Hue (12-1) in history

  • Day 12-1 year 1773: The first public museum in the United States was established in Charleston, South Carolina
  • Day 12-1 year 1896: H. L. Smith took the first X-ray photograph. It was a hand with a bullet in it.
  • Day 12-1 year 1915: The U.S. House of Representatives rejected a proposal to give women the right to vote.
  • Day 12-1 year 1932: Hattie W. Caraway, a democrat from Arkansas became the first woman to be elected to the U.S. Senate.
  • Day 12-1 year 1964: One month after Zanzibar became independent, the ruling Zanzibar Nationalist Party was overthrown in a violent coup.
  • Day 12-1 year 1991: A divided Congress gave President Bush the go-ahead on the Persian Gulf War.
  • Day 12-1 year 1998: Nineteen European countries signed an agreement banning human cloning.
  • Day 12-1 year 2010: Haiti is dealt a catastrophic blow when a magnitude 7.0 earthquake strikes 10 miles southwest of Port-au-Prince, the country's capital. It is the region's worst earthquake in 200 years. The number of fatalities were between 46,000 and 85,000 people.
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