Kid actor Huynh Hao Khang

Huynh Hao Khang

Living place: Ho Chi Minh

Birthday: 30-9-2010 (14 years old)

Population of Vietnam 2010: 86,93 millions

Global rank: #51665


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Kid actor Huynh Hao Khang profile

Who is Kid actor Huynh Hao Khang?
Huynh Hao Khang is a child actor with a bright face and a love of art since childhood. I used to participate in sitcoms such as: Spring Dance, Camellia Flower, Little Big in the Office... In 2022, I participated in the show Listen to me sing baby i>and achieved the Consolation prize. Hao Khang excellently surpassed thousands of candidates to become the person to take on the role of An in the film project Southern Forest Land made by director Nguyen Quang Dung.
Direction Actor Nguyen Quang Dung said it took him a year and a half to find a suitable face. to play the role of An - a motherless boy looking for his father in the original work. The director of Dat Rung Phuong Nam was extremely impressed with Huynh Hao Khang's ability to play the role in the casting round with the boy's intelligence and agility. Although before that, Hao Khang had never participated in any major film projects.
In a scene where An was thrown into the river in Southern Forest Land, Hao Khang acted in this scene himself. According to director Nguyen Quang Dung, Khang himself volunteered to perform the scene without a stuntman. She was protected by a rope before being picked up and thrown off the Binh Thuy Bridge (An Giang). Director Quang Dung also said that throughout the filming process, Khang was always enthusiastic and enthusiastic about his role. There were times when I cried because I was injured, but I persevered to continue filming so as not to miss the efforts of the entire filming crew. Actor Hong Anh, who plays An's mother, also gave compliments to Hao Khang's acting. Hao Khang's performance in the scene where the mother and child are happily together on the bridge really made actress Hong Anh burst into tears.
The film Southern Forest Land is a film in the epic genre, with a heart. The plot is based on the novel of the same name by author Doan Gioi and the movie "Dat Phuong Nam" (1997). The film is expected to be released on October 20, 2023.

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Summary of Huynh Hao Khang profile

When was Kid actor Huynh Hao Khang born?
Huynh Hao Khang birthday 30-9-2010 (at the age of 14).
Where is Kid actor Huynh Hao Khang's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Huynh Hao Khang was born in Nha Trang, of Vietnam. Em working and living in Ho Chi Minh, of Vietnam. Em, whose Zodiac is Libra, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Tiger. Huynh Hao Khang's global rank is 51665 and whose rank is 3 in list of famous Kid actor. Population of Vietnam in 2010 is about 86,93 millions persons.
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Photos/ Images

Portrait photo of child actor Huynh Hao Khang
Portrait photo of child actor Huynh Hao Khang
Child actor Huynh Hao Khang was praised for his acting talent after his transformation into the role of An
Child actor Huynh Hao Khang was praised for his acting talent after his transformation into the role of An
Image of actor Huynh Hao Khang in the character creation of An in the movie Dat Nam Rung Nam
Image of actor Huynh Hao Khang in the character creation of An in the movie Dat Nam Rung Nam

Huynh Hao Khang ranking


Hân 14/03/24 12:19
Iu anh

Khói mê tràng trai cung Thiên Bình=) 18/02/24 22:05

Vợ Hạo Khanggg 06/02/24 11:28
Iu anhhh

Hồ Thị Bích Trâm 08/12/23 18:18
Khang chị thích em

Hồ Thị Bích Trâm 08/12/23 18:17
Khang ơi chị thích em từ lúc chị thấy em trên tiktok thì chị thích em mong lần nào đó chị sẽ gặp được em

Nguyễn Trung Tính 05/12/23 7:49
Khang xấu trai =)

Phan Bùi khôi nguyên 29/11/23 19:57
Yêu Anh khang

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Events in 2010 and 30-9

Events in the world in the birth year of Huynh Hao Khang

  • Jan. 12: 7.0-magnitude earthquake devastates Port-au-Prince, Haiti. It is the region's worst earthquake in 200 years. The quake levels many sections of the city, destroying government buildings, foreign aid offices, and countless slums. Jan. 13: Assessing the scope of the devastation, Prime Minister Préval says, "Parliament has collapsed. The tax office has collapsed. Schools have collapsed. Hospitals have collapsed." He calls the death toll "unimaginable," and expects fatalities to near 100,000. The United Nations mission in Haiti is destroyed, 16 members of the UN peacekeeping force in Haiti are killed, and hundreds of UN employees are missing. The death toll was 200,000 people.
  • Feb. 12: The 2010 Winter Olympics opened in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. The games got off to a tragic start when a luger from the Republic of Georgia, Nodar Kumaritashvili, dies tragically in a crash during training run.
  • Feb. 12: Multi-country offensive launched in Afghanistan as thousands of American, Afghan, and British troops storm the city of Marja, Afghanistan in an attempt to destroy the Taliban's latest haven. The attack by the 6,000 troops is the biggest offensive in the country since the United States invaded Afghanistan in 2001. Feb. 15: The Taliban's top military commander, Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, is captured in Karachi, Pakistan in a secret joint operation by the American and Pakistani intelligence forces. American officials claim that Barader is the most significant human capture since the war in Afghanistan began in 2001. Feb. 22: A NATO airstrike launched by the United States Special Forces in Kabul, Afghanistan, targeted at insurgents, accidentally kills 27 Afghan civilians. President Hamid Karzai condemns the killings.
  • Feb. 27: An 8.8 magnitude earthquake rocks Chile. Fatalities are relatively low, with some 750 people killed in the devastation. However, as many as 1.5 million people are displaced. Chile's electricity grids, communication, and transportation systems are badly damaged, severely hampering rescue and aid efforts. The epicenter of the quake was 70 miles northeast of Concepcion in central Chile. Massive waves continue to cause additional damage along the coast. Mar. 1: After refusing contributions from foreign governments, Chile officials change course, requesting generators, water filtration equipment, and field hospitals from other countries.
  • Mar. 7: Explosions disrupt general election day in Iraq when two bombs kill at least 38 people. Iraq's election commission reports that 62% of Iraqis voted in the election, though that number drops to just 53% in Baghdad, where the violence occurred. Final results are not expected for several weeks, but preliminary figures put the State of Law alliance, led by Prime Minister Maliki, and the Iraqi National Movement, headed by former prime minister Ayad Allawi, in a close race ahead of the other candidates. Election officials said none of the alliances will emerge with a clear majority, forcing the winner to assemble a broad coalition to form a government. Mar. 29: Final results of the election give the Iraqi National Movement, led by former prime minister Ayad Allawi, 91 seats in Parliament out of 325. The State of Law alliance, headed by Prime Minister Maliki comes in a close second with 89 seats. A Shia religious movement, including followers of radical cleric Moktada al-Sadr, wins 70. The two main Kurdish parties together receive 43 seats. Maliki refuses to accept the results and says he will challenge them in court.
  • Mar. 24: The United States and Russia report a breakthrough in arms control negotiations. Both countries agree to lower the limit on deployed strategic warheads and launchers by 25% and 50%, respectively, and will also implement a new inspection regime. President Obama and President Medvedev will sign in a treaty that outlines this agreement. Apr. 8: The United States and Russia usher in a supposedly new era in nuclear arms control after President Obama and President Medvedev sign an arms reduction treaty and agree to act in a united fashion against the threat of Iran's nuclear program. The pact, called the New Start, has each country promise to scale back on their nuclear arsenals.
  • Mar. 29: Two female suicide bombers, acting just minutes apart, detonate bombs in two Moscow subways stations, killing at least 39 people. This is the first terrorist attack in the capital city since 2004, when Moscow experienced a string of deadly violence. Authorities attribute the attacks to the mostly Muslim north Caucasus region. Doku Umarov, a former Chechen separatist and the self-proclaimed emir of the north Caucasus, claims responsibility for masterminding the attack. Mar. 31: Two explosions kill 12 people in the north Caucasus region of Dagestan. The attacks prompt concern that Prime Minister Putin will crack down on civil liberties and democracy as he did in 2004, following the siege of a school in Beslan.
  • Apr. 5: Militants launch an assault on the United States Consulate in Pakistan. Six Pakistanis are killed and 20 are wounded; no Americans are harmed. At least five suicide bombers mounted the attack, though they were unable to reach the inner area of the compound. Azam Tariq, a spokesperson for the Pakistani Taliban, claims responsibility for the attack, saying they were acting in retaliation to American missile strikes and Pakistani military operations in the area.
  • Apr. 7: Kyrgyzstan President Bakiyev fleas Bishkek amid deadly protests and demonstrations. Former foreign minister Roza Otunbayeva, acting as the leader of the opposition, assumes power as acting president. Government troops and demonstrators are battling in the streets, and nearly 70 people are killed and more than 400 wounded. Demonstrations over sharp increases in utility prices broke out in the city of Talas and promptly spread to the capital of Bishkek, where protesters are also rallying against government corruption. Bakiyev refuses to resign despite Otunbayeva's support.
  • Apr. 14: An explosion in the Eyjafjallajokull volcano in Iceland results in a volcanic ash plume in the atmosphere over northern and central Europe. Air travel in the region is halted for several days, causing the cancellation of several thousand flights and disrupting the travel plans of millions of people. Apr. 21: After millions of travelers have been stranded for days in Europe and North America, airports around the world begin operation again.
  • Apr. 20: An explosion on a BP oil drilling rig off the coast of Louisiana kills 11 people and injures 17. Experts estimate that 13,000 gallons of crude oil per hour are pouring into the Gulf of Mexico. Apr. 26: Authorities estimate that the amount of oil spilling from leaks in the oil rig is approximately 42,000 gallons of crude oil per hour. Remote-controlled robots are being used to try and seal off the oil well. Apr. 30: The oil slick from the rig explosion reaches the Gulf Coast of Louisiana. For the first time, President Obama criticizes BP's handling of the crisis; he chastises the company for not stemming the flow of oil and cleaning up the spill before it reached land. July 15: After 86 days of gushing oil into the Gulf of Mexico and several previous attempts to contain the flow, BP caps its leaking oil well. The cap, which can be removed in the future for oil collection or left on indefinitely, is an interim measure, put in place until a relief well can be drilled to fix the problem permanently.
  • May 3: Prime Minister of Thailand, Vejjajiva Abhisit, offers to hold early elections—one of the key demands of protesters loyal to former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra, called red shirts, who have been rioting since April—if the protesters called off their demonstrations, but they reject the gesture. Abhisit withdraws his offer and orders troops to blockade the protest area. May 13: What started as a peaceful protest disintegrates into violence; the military fires upon the protesters and hits Khattiya Sawatdiphol, a general who sided with the red shirts. He later dies of his injuries. His death sparks further violence, and the protesters retaliated with grenade attacks. May 17: The red shirts offer to negotiate with the government, but are rebuffed. They then engage in large-scale rioting, looting, and the firebombing of several buildings, including Thailand's stock exchange and largest department store. The government cracks down on the movement May 19: Rioters disperse, and protest leaders surrender. They will face terrorism charges. In the 68 days of the protests, 68 people died. The red shirts bore the brunt of most of the casualties.
  • May 5: A Picasso painting sells for a record-breaking $106.5 million at a Christie's auction. The painting, "Nude, Green Leaves and Bust," depicts Picasso's mistress and was painted in just one day in 1932.
  • May 11: British Prime Minister Gordon Brown formally resigns as prime minister after acknowledging that his Labour Party will be unable to form a majority in Parliament. He recommends Conservative Party leader David Cameron as his successor; consequently, Cameron creates a coalition government with the ideologically opposed Liberal Democrats and becomes the prime minister of the United Kingdom. The leader of the Liberal Democrats, Nick Clegg, will become deputy prime minister. This is the first coalition government in the U.K. since World War II.
  • May 19: The United States, Russia, China, and others agree to impose a fourth set of sanctions on Iran's nuclear program, in an attempt to stop the country from enriching uranium. None of the three previous sets of sanctions had any effect on Iran's program to enrich uranium nor its willingness to fully disclose actions to international inspectors.
  • May 31: Nine people are dead after an Israeli navy commando attacks a flotilla of cargo ships and passenger boats on their way to Gaza to provide aid and supplies for the area. Israel claims that the passengers on the flotilla, who were pro-Palestinians and mostly Turks, presented themselves as humanitarians, but were clearly hostile.
  • June 1: Just nine months into his term as Prime Minister of Japan, Yukio Hatoyama announces his resignation from office. His countrymen reportedly find him an indecisive and ineffective ruler and have been clamoring for him to quit. He will be the fourth prime minister to leave in just four years.
  • June 13: The United States finds more than $1 trillion in mineral resources in the mountains of Afghanistan, far more than expected or previously estimated. The findings, which include previously unknown deposits of iron, copper, gold, and lithium, could drastically improve the country's economy and fundamentally change the outcome of the war there.
  • June 17: Street fighting between ethnic Kyrgyz and minority Uzbeks escalated in the city of Osh, Kyrgyzstan, leaving at least 200 people dead. Thousands of people are displaced after Uzbek neighborhoods are torched, and approximately 100,000 people have crossed the border into Uzbekistan, forcing that country's government to close its borders. June 24: The death toll in the ethnic fighting in Kyrgyzstan rises to 2,000, yet the cause of the original skirmish remains unknown. Many of those who fled the country have begun to return.
  • June 20: In a surprise victory, Graeme McDowell wins golf's U.S. Open at Pebble Beach Golf Links in California, beating second place Frenchman Gregory Havret by just one stroke. McDowell, from Northern Ireland, is the first European to win the tournament since 1970.
  • July 9: After discovering and imprisoning 10 Russian spies masquerading as civilians in the United States, the U.S. and Russia agree to and implement a swap of the captured spies. The Russian government traded four Russians who were purportedly spying for the U.S. or another Western country.
  • July 11: After four weeks and 64 games, the 32 countries who entered the 2010 FIFA World Cup in South Africa were whittled down to just two; the final game, between Spain and the Netherlands, went into overtime after a scoreless game. Spain finally scored in the 129th minute, winning the game and the World Cup title.
  • July 25: Alberto Contador wins the Tour de France, his third title in the world's most prestigious cycling race, and his second in a row.
  • July 30: Massive flooding in Pakistan, following two days of record rainfall, kills over 400 people and leaves thousands homeless. Damage to infrastructure has left many villages and towns inaccessible to government aid, stranding many survivors of the floods. Aug. 12: After two weeks of catastrophic flooding in Pakistan, the UN now estimates that at least 1,600 people have been killed and 14 million displaced from their homes.
  • Aug. 5: Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin bans the export of grains from his country, citing the widespread drought and wildfires that are crippling Russia. They are suffering from the country's worst heat wave in 130 years. Aug. 6: At least 52 people have been killed in the more than 800 wildfires that have swept across Russia.
  • Aug. 18: The U.S. State Department announces that it will increase the presence of civilian contractors in 2011 as the military prepares to leave the country. Contractors will be responsible for training Iraqi police and preventing confrontations between the Iraqi Army and civilian groups.
  • Sept. 12: The female American hiker imprisoned in Iran on charges of espionage is released on $500,000 bail. Sarah Shourd has been in prison for over a year, along with the two male American friends she was hiking with, Shane Bauer and Joshua Fattal. The three friends were hiking in the Kurdish region of northern Iraq in July 2009 when they allegedly passed over into Iranian territory and were arrested.
  • Oct. 12: First of 33 trapped Chilean miners is rescued after spending 68 days trapped in a mine half a mile underground. He is pulled to safety via a capsule made for the rescue mission. The rest of the miners will be carried to safety over the next 24 hours. Oct. 13: All 33 Chilean miners trapped underground for over two months are pulled to safety in what is being hailed as a brilliant rescue mission.
  • Oct. 29: Suspicious packages found on an airplane originating in Yemen and bound for the United States contained explosive materials. Saudi intelligence officials tipped the U.S. government about the packages, resulting in a brief terrorism scare across the country. No additional explosives were found.
  • Nov. 22: Irish Prime Minister Brian Cowen announces he will dissolve his government and hold a new election after the 2011 budget passes. This announcement comes just one day after the Irish government requested a $100 billion bailout package from the European Union and IMF to help save its flailing economy.
  • Nov. 22: At least 300 people are killed and hundreds more injured in a stampede during Cambodia's annual water festival. The stampede reportedly occurred after people panicked when a densely crowded bridge began to sway.
  • Nov. 23: The military of North Korea unexpectedly attacks the island of Yeonpyeong in South Korea, killing two civilians and two marines. Eighteen others are wounded. This is the first time North Korea has fired on a civilian target since the suspension of the Korean War in 1953.
  • Dec. 2: Russia wins its bid as host for the 2018 World Cup, while Qatar secures the host duties for the international soccer tournament in 2022. The United States, in particular, was disappointed by the announcement; the country was hoping to host the World Cup in 2022. Qatar will be the first Middle Eastern country to the tournament; Russia has never had the privilege either.
  • Dec. 7: Julian Assange, the Australian-born co-founder of WikiLeaks, is arrested in England on a Swedish warrant in connection to accusations made in August: two women in Sweden accused him of sexual assault. He is denied bail by a London court. Dec. 8: Hundreds of Internet activists attack several businesses seen as "enemies" of WikiLeaks, in response to Assange's imprisonment.,, and the MasterCard website are among those attacked with an onslaught of web traffic. Dec. 14: Assange is released on $310,000 bail, but remains in British custody temporarily. He faces possible extradition to Sweden for his alleged sexual assaults on two women.

Birthday Huynh Hao Khang (30-9) in history

  • Day 30-9 year 1791: The opera "The Magic Flute" by famous musician Mozart was premiered in Vienna, Austria.
  • Day 30-9 year 1927: Babe Ruth hit his 60th home run. The record stood until Roger Maris hit 61 in 1961. Mark McGwire beat Maris's record in 1998 by hitting 70 and Barry Bonds topped this in 2001 with 73.
  • Day 30-9 year 1938: Britain and France surrendered to Germany's demands concerning the Sudetenland, and signed the Munich Pact.
  • Day 30-9 year 1946: Twenty-two Nazi leaders were found guilty at the Nuremberg trials.
  • Day 30-9 year 1949: The Berlin Airlift came to an end.
  • Day 30-9 year 1955: Actor James Dean was killed in a car crash.
  • Day 30-9 year 1966: Botswana gained its independence from Great Britain.
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